Engagement and education
- 4,690 Calls and emails received and assessed by our Customer Contact Centre concerning wildlife
- 8 Engagement events attended
- 5 Key documents published to support education and compliance
- 13,183 Licences and permits issued or renewed
- 213,458 Visits to our website
- 517 News mentions of Conservation Regulator
- 488 Proactive patrols on public land
- 1,000,000+ Social media impressions
- 359 Social media posts
- 882 Charges laid
- 7 Operations targeted to areas of environmental risk or identified priority focus
- 32 Coupes inspected under the Forest Audit Program
- 364 Infringements issued
- 72 Official Warnings
- 2 Formal written warnings for timber harvesting non‑compliance
- 88% Compliance rate observed during patrols
- 5,801 People engaged during patrols on public land
- 1 Notice to direct timber harvesting non-compliance
Understanding impacts
- 2,095 Plants, animals and other natural values protected from the impacts of timber harvesting
- > 27,000 Records collected of flora, fauna, vegetation communities and other important observations
- 661 Forest Protection Surveys completed
- 155 Proactive field inspections of coupes
- 500+ Coupe desktop assessments of legacy issues for field inspections
- +4% Increased use of digital application forms for permissions