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Broader community services

Workforce census summary results for respondents who work in broader community services.

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Broader community services summary report
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A combination of results for particular community services organisations (combination of several other subsets/reports) that includes results for individuals who indicated that they worked in:

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation
  • Women's Health
  • Community Health
  • Dental and other Oral Health
  • Health Promotion
  • Children and Family Services
  • Out-of-home Care
  • Parenting Services
  • Alcohol or Other Drug Services
  • Community Mental Health Services
  • Housing/Homelessness
  • Youth Work
  • Disability Services
  • Counselling
  • Employment Services
  • LGBTIQ Services
  • Local Council/Local Government
  • Neighbourhood Houses
  • Older People (including elder abuse) Services
  • Policy, Research and Advocacy.

Notes for interpreting results presented in this report

This report presents a summary of the 2019-20 Census findings for respondents who indicated that they held a role within Broader Community Services (n=1,505), in the broader workforce that intersects with family violence in Victoria. The broader workforce is defined as those who are sometimes in contact with victim survivors or perpetrators of family violence and are required to deal with the impacts of family violence, despite this not being a significant focus of their role.

Results have been suppressed where the number of respondents is fewer than 10, and caution should be applied when interpreting results where the number of respondents is low. Care should also be taken with extrapolating results to the population. Results presented as percentages throughout the report may not add
up to 100% (particularly where displayed in chart form) due to rounding, or where participants were able to select more than one response.

Although this survey was an attempted census of all employees in the broader workforce, to aid in interpretation of results, the researchers have treated the survey data overall as though it is a quasi-random sample. However, it should be noted that accurate population estimates are not available for Broader Community Services due to additional organisation type categories being added into the survey (and subsequently into this report) based on advice received at the sector consultation stage. These additional categories were not accounted for when collating the population estimates, and therefore no confidence intervals may be provided.
