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DET - Learn Local Sector - 13 July 2021 - ACFE Board and Sector Sessions - Registration details

Participation, Inclusion and Regional Engagement – Branch Memo - 13 July 2021.

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Department of Education and Training, Higher Education and Skills

Participation, Inclusion and Regional Engagement — Branch Memo


Registered Learn Local providers — ALL
Statewide providers
ACFE Board
PIRE Branch staff


Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education


3 July 2021


ACFE Board and Sector Sessions – Registration details

Actions / Critical dates:

To register attendance at one of the online ACFE Board and Sector Sessions, click on the Event Brite link in the table below for your preferred session time. Once you have completed the registration process you will be sent the meeting link for that session and you can join on the specified day and time. Registrations for each session will close at 4pm the day before each session.

The Adult, Community and Further Education Board is holding a series of online ACFE Board and Sector Sessions in July and August. All Learn Local providers are encouraged to attend one of the eight sessions.

Board members are looking forward to meeting with you and providing an overview of the Board’s key priorities and work for 2021. Also, the 2022 considerations of achieving the goals and aspirations of the Ministerial Statement for the sector and its learners.

There will be an opportunity for Learn Local providers to share any ideas or feedback you have regarding how the Board can further support your organisations and your learners. This will assist the Board with planning for 2022.

There is a session for each of the ACFE Regional Council areas as outlined below, however you are welcome to attend another session if the date and time of your region’s session doesn’t suit. All staff that work on Learn Local related courses and projects are invited to attend so please share this information with relevant staff.

To register attendance at one of the sessions, click on the EventBrite link in the table below for your preferred session time. Once you have completed the registration process you will be sent the meeting link for that session and you can join on the specified day and time. Registrations for each session will close at 4pm the day before each session.

If you have any questions about the sessions, please contact your regional office.
