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2022-23 Quarter 2 Fire Services Outcomes Framework Progress Report

Published by:
Department of Justice and Community Safety
14 Mar 2023

Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) have provided their quarterly fire service performance updates for Quarter 2 (Q2) FY 2022-23 (1 October to 31 December 2022) to inform the Fire Services Implementation Monitor (FSIM) Progress Report.

CFA has transitioned to its Year Three Outcomes Framework and has reported on all quarterly indicators where data is available.

FRV has reported on five indicators from its Year Two Outcomes Framework after experiencing a cyber-attack which significantly affected reporting in Q2.

The Q2 FY 2022-23 Progress Report notes:

  • FSIM has amended its outcomes reporting approach, given the foundational elements of each agency's outcomes frameworks are now in place. FSIM will continue to explore how agency activities inform results each quarter and will initiate an annual overview of broader agency outcomes progress beginning in Q4 2022-23.
  • CFA's Year Three Outcomes Framework establishes new quarterly baselines for all indicators, updates the business rules of three indicators from its Year Two Outcomes Framework and introduces five new indicators. As a result of changes to baselines, previously reported baselines are no longer applicable, so FSIM has not included them in this progress report.
  • The recent cyber-attack on FRV IT systems has significantly affected reporting outcomes data. Due to this cyber-attack, FRV reported against five indicators and noted that they would retrospectively report relevant data in future reporting. FRV has highlighted uncertainty about when data will become available for retrospective reporting.
  • There continues to be an ongoing need for CFA and FRV to work together to finalise outstanding Service Level Agreements to address inefficiencies arising from interim administrative arrangements.

FSIM acknowledges CFA and FRV for their ongoing cooperation and active contribution to FSIM’s monitoring and reporting activities.
