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Acronym Title
BP3 Budget Paper 3
CFA Country Fire Authority
CFASafe System providing critical business functions including Hazard/ Incident Reporting, Health Program Management and Audit tracking.
DAIF Diversity and Inclusion Framework
EMV Emergency Management Victoria
FRV Fire Rescue Victoria
FRV Act Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958
FSIM Fire Services Implementation Monitor
FSOC Fire Services Operation Committee
FTE Full Time Equivalent
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MUARC Monash University Accident Research Centre
PTA Professional, Technical and Administrative
SLA Service Level Agreement
YTD Year to date

Reference to fire services agencies

References to the fire services in this document relate specifically to CFA and FRV. Where more than one fire services agency is referenced in this document, they are listed in alphabetical order.

Comparison between agencies’ performance against published Outcomes Frameworks

As the two outcomes frameworks are based on the agencies’ own strategic and operational priorities and data, comparisons between the agencies should not be made.
