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About Stronger by Design and the Pre-Accredited Quality Framework Plus (PQF+)

Stronger by Design (SbD) is an Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board initiative that aims to enhance the 2013 Pre-Accredited Quality Framework (PQF).

Stronger by Design implementation timeline 2024

  • Regional forums

    late February to late March

    Forums held in each ACFE region to brief Learn Local providers on upcoming opportunities across the 2024 calendar year, including information on SbD

  • Community of Practice established

    March 2024

    Establishment of SbD Community of Practice (initially consisting of previous pilot participants only) to support SbD-trained Learn Local providers to implement the learner journey approach and utilise PQF+ artefacts

  • Final SbD pilot

    March to June

    Final pilot involving 20 Learn Local providers to provide advice and feedback on workshops/professional development (pre-assessment, determining learner gain and pathways) and use of PQF+ tools and resources

  • Self-paced online/face-to-face professional development/online mentoring launches

    April to December

    Launch of modular, self-paced professional development for the Learn Local workforce (noting a selection of modules to support initial engagement and understanding will be followed by the entire suite following the conclusion of final pilot) supported by online mentoring to ensure Learn Local providers are supported to engage and complete the SbD initiative professional learning program

  • Summative evaluation

    June to November

    Final summative evaluation on development and finalisation of SbD model and PQF+ artefacts to inform phased sector-wide implementation from Q1 2025

  • SbD/PQF+ Roadshow events (tranche 1)

    August to September

    A series of in-person events across each ACFE region to provide an overview of SbD initiative professional development program and PQF+ artefacts

  • Launch of 2025 contracting Expression of Interest


    2025 pre-accredited training delivery EoI process launches (including delivery of learner journey approach under SbD initiative)

  • Regional forums


    Forums held in each ACFE region to brief Learn Local providers on the 2025 EoI process, including detailed information on SbD initiative

  • SbD/PQF+ Roadshow events (tranche 2)

    October to November

    A series of in-person events across each ACFE region to provide an overview of SbD initiative professional development program and PQF+ artefacts

  • 2024 Learn Local Conference/Awards


    Annual Learn Local Awards gala and biennial Learn Local Conference, including a range of discussions, resources and information on SbD initiative

  • SbD delivery implementation commences

    January 2025

    Phased, sector-wide SbD initiative delivery commences

  • Refinements to pre-accredited training guidelines, policies, procedures and operational settings

    2024 to 2027

  • Full implementation of new pre-accredited training model

    January 2027
