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Learn Local Professional Practice and Recognition Framework and Self-Assessment Tool

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Training, Skills and Higher Education

Adult, Communication and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jane Ward, Acting Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 2/02/2023

Subject: Learn Local Professional Practice and Recognition Framework and self-assessment tool

Actions and critical dates

  • Nominate your Learn Local for a facilitated session to test the draft Learn Local Professional Practice and Recognition Framework and Self-Assessment Tool by completing the EoI application form by 15 February 2023.
  • Alternatively provide written feedback on the draft Framework and Self-Assessment Tool by 20 March 2023.

During 2022 a final draft Professional Practice and Recognition Framework and Self-Assessment Tool were developed following significant consultation with Learn Local providers. Please find draft Framework and the draft self-assessment tool at the following links:

Draft Professional Practice and Recognition Framework
Word 105.83 KB
(opens in a new window)
Draft Professional Practice and Recognition Framework Self-Assessment Tool
Word 140.89 KB
(opens in a new window)

The Framework identifies and describes the collective practices used by a range of Learn Local staff (teachers/trainers and managers/coordinators/administrators) responsible for the development and delivery of quality supported pre-accredited Language, Literacy, Numeracy, Employability and Digital Literacy Skills programs to adults needing to develop these core skills for study, work and life.

The draft Framework and tool are now ready for testing until 20 March 2023. Following the testing phase, recommendations will be prepared for the ACFE Board on a final Framework and tool for recognising the talents of the sector.

Here are the details:


Learn Local providers are invited to test the draft Framework and Tool via a facilitated two-hour session to be held at the Provider’s office/location. Escalier McLean Consulting, the framework and tool developers, will facilitate up to 20 sessions. The following dates are available for these facilitated sessions with providers invited to indicate their preferred of these dates and times on the attached EOI form:

  • February 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28
  • March 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21


Learn Local providers of all sizes and locations (metropolitan, regional centres and rural) are encouraged to apply for a test session. We are seeking to gain the views of staff across a range of providers, so that comprehensive advice can be provided to the Board.

The facilitated session requires several Learn Local staff to be present – teachers/trainers and managers /coordinators/administrators – for about 2 hours to test all aspects of the Framework.

The testing process will yield individual staff member profiles of current professional capabilities held and at what application level. The process will also enable staff to talk with others about their self-assessment and priority areas for development and through a collaborative approach involving 360 degree feedback, to confirm or modify initial self-assessments. The testing process will also be structured to enable, staff members to critique the Framework for the relevance of its coverage of professional practices required in the job and how they are described, and also test the Self-Assessment Tool for its user-friendliness.


You can nominate your Learn Local provider for a facilitated session to test the draft Learn Local Professional Practice and Recognition Framework and Self-Assessment Tool by completing the following application form and emailing it to Escalier Maclean as indicated on the form by 15 February 2023:

Draft Professional Practice and Recognition Framework EoI application form
Word 15.47 KB
(opens in a new window)

Alternatively some Learn Locals or individual staff members might prefer to undertake their own testing and provide written feedback on how to better the draft Framework and Self-Assessment Tool. Those interested in this approach should indicate this to who will reply with information about the process. This advice should be forwarded by 20 March 2023.


The results from the testing from both the facilitated sessions and email feedback will be used to finalise the Framework and Tool

The final Self-Assessment Tool will be converted to an accessible online application program.

The aim is for the Framework to be the facilitator of dialogue and recognition of the professional skills and knowledge held and gained by the Learn Local workforce.

The ACFE Board will use known sector professional development goals to plan professional development activities in priority areas to achieve Ministerial goals for the sector.
