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About the Victorian Family Violence Data Collection Framework

A guideline for the collection of family violence related data by Victorian government departments, agencies and service providers.

A new tool has been created to help people working in the Victorian family violence sector collect more robust data and improve outcomes.

The Royal Commission into Family Violence (RCFV) identified that limited data about the experience of Victorians affected by family violence contributes to poor outcomes. In response to this, the Victorian Government has created the Family Violence Data Collection Framework (the FVDCF).

The FVDCF includes:

  • a common set of family violence and demographic data items
  • definitions and standards
  • advice on reporting practices that will make information on family violence more useful

The FVDCF provides a consistent approach for people working in the sector to collect information, including from the following priority communities identified by the RCFV:

  • Aboriginal communities
  • LGBTIQ communities
  • people with disabilities
  • multicultural communities
  • children and young people
  • older people

The FVDCF will support the collection of more robust data but will not fix broader data quality issues and limitations. There are many data collection systems and instruments in the sector due to be updated. It is expected that the FVDCF may be included voluntarily as part of these updates.
