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Annual progress reports - Royal Commission into Family Violence

Between 2016-2019 we produced annual reports to outline progress towards implementing the Royal Commission's recommendations into Family Violence.

One year on from the Royal Commission

Work we started in the 1st year:

  • $572 million funding boost for most urgent recommendations.
    • Constructing and redeveloping family violence refuges, crisis accommodation, social housing and housing support services to prevent victims becoming homeless as a result of fleeing violence in the family home ($152.5 million).
    • Expanding support programs for children and pursuing reform of the child protection system ($122 million).
    • Greater crisis support and counselling to meet demand for specialist family violence services ($103.9 million).
  • Released Ending Family Violence: Victoria's Plan for Change.
  • Implemented prevention programs to ensure family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated.
  • Developed the framework for prevention activities and initiatives.
  • Strengthened prevention and responses for Aboriginal and diverse communities.
  • Established Support and Safety Hubs (now The Orange Door).
  • Strengthened responses to keep families and children safe, including police responses to improve perpetrator accountability.
  • Provided safe and stable housing to support recovery from the experience of family violence.
  • Ensured victim-centred justice.
  • Enhanced the response of courts to family violence.
  • Strengthened the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (now the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework).
  • Worked in partnership across all levels of government to deliver family violence reforms.

Download the one year on report

One year on from the Royal Commission into Family Violence
PDF 181 KB
(opens in a new window)

Two years on from the Royal Commission

Work we started in the 2nd year:

  • Invested in social housing and crisis accommodation.
  • Funded 5 Specialist Family Violence Courts across Victoria.
  • Expanded flexible support packages for victim survivors.
  • Development and delivery of family violence training for support workers.
  • Launched family violence behaviour change campaigns.
  • Delivered programs to support Aboriginal and multicultural communities.
  • Respectful Relationships program started in primary schools.
  • Opened The Orange Door (formerly known as the Support and Safety Hubs).
  • Improved programs for people who use violence.
  • Improved police responses to family violence.
  • Implemented information sharing systems for service providers, based on changes to information sharing legislation.

Download the two years on report

Two years on from the Royal Commission into Family Violence
PDF 180.36 KB
(opens in a new window)

Three years on from the Royal Commission

Work we started in the 3rd year:

Download the three year report

Three years on from the Royal Commission into Family Violence
PDF 447.1 KB
(opens in a new window)
