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Brand Victoria fonts

VIC is the brand font to be used across all Victorian Government communications. Learn about its uses and alternatives.

We use the following fonts for all Victorian Government communications:

  • VIC is the main font used in communications.
  • VIC Display is only used for creating logos.
  • Chronicle Display is a sans serif font that can be used in certain circumstances (see below).
  • Arial and Times New Roman can be used when VIC isn’t available (eg for digital presentations or internal Microsoft Office templates).

VIC and VIC Display fonts belong to the Victorian Government and may only be used on authorised products/collateral. They are available for free download below.

Chronicle Display must be purchased by external suppliers if they want to use it.

For examples and more information about which font and weight to use, see the Brand Victoria Guidelines section 2.9, pages 29-32.

VIC – our main brand font

VIC is the brand font to be used across all communications.

VIC should only be used in sentence case.

Font Uses
VIC Bold

Suitable for uses such as:

  • Print and advertising headlines
  • Brochure titles
VIC SemiBold

Suitable for uses such as:

  • Print and advertising headlines
  • Brochure titles
  • Major headings
  • Sub-headings to body copy
VIC Medium

Suitable for uses such as:

  • Sub-headings to body copy
  • Body copy where VIC Book would be too fine to be legible
  • Where emphasis is required without using bold type
VIC Medium Italic

Suitable for uses such as:

  • Highlighting or differentiating small areas of body text
  • Must not be used for continuous passages of body text for legibility reasons
VIC Regular Suitable for uses such as large amounts of body copy.
VIC Italic

Suitable for uses such as:

  • Highlighting or differentiating small areas of body text
  • Must not be used for continuous passages of body text for legibility reasons

VIC Display - our logo development font

VIC Display font is only used when creating Brand Victoria logos.

VIC Display must be used in all caps only.

It is not to be used on anything other than a high-profile division/entity, government customer-facing division, destination or campaign logo.

Do not use it as a headline or body copy

See the Brand Victoria Guidelines for some examples of entity logos.

Chronicle Display - a sans serif font used for headings

VIC is the preferred main heading font.

Chronicle Display can be used:

  • when a traditional or historical look and feel is required
  • as a secondary heading or in breakout text

It should never be used for body text or any style other than headings and breakout text. It must never be used for logos.

When used in headings, VIC and Chronicle Display can be set in sentence case or in all caps.

Alternative fonts

Where VIC isn’t available, for example on-screen presentations or internal Microsoft Office templates:

  • use Arial to replace VIC
  • use Times New Roman to replace Chronicle Display

Arial and Times New Roman are system fonts available on PC and Mac computers.


Only to be used when VIC font is unavailable as a primary font.

Arial Black - Suitable for uses such as:

  • Print and advertising headlines
  • Brochure titles

Arial Bold - Suitable for uses such as:

  • Brochure titles
  • Major headings
  • Sub-headings to body copy

Arial Bold Italic - Suitable for uses such as highlighting or differentiating small areas of body text, but must not be used for continuous passages of body text for legibility reasons.

Arial Regular - Suitable for uses such as large amounts of body copy.

Arial Italic - Suitable for uses such as highlighting or differentiating small areas of body text, but must not be used for continuous passages of body text for legibility reasons.

Times New Roman

Only to be used when Chronicle Display font is unavailable as a secondary font.

Never to be used as body copy or when creating new logos.

Suitable for breakout text:

  • Times New Roman Regular
  • Times New Roman Regular Italic

Suitable for main headings or breakout text:

  • Times New Roman Bold
  • Times New Roman Bold Italic
