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Coat of Arms and State Badge guidelines

The State Badge of Victoria and the Victorian Coat of Arms can only be used with permission and in certain circumstances.

Victorian Government insignia are:

  • the Victorian Coat of Arms (sometimes referred to as the Victorian Crest)
  • the State Badge of Victoria

These are the most prestigious branding devices available to the Victorian Government and agencies.

They cannot be used without permission. Restrictions apply to their use and reproduction.

The use of Victorian Government Insignia for commercial purposes or advertising is not permitted.

Requests to use government insignia

All requests to use the State Badge of Victoria or the Victorian Coat of Arms, including using insignia next to federal and other state and territory insignia, must be made in writing to:

Head of Protocol and Events
Strategic Communication, Engagement and Protocol Branch
Department of Premier and Cabinet

Requests must be emailed to accompanied by:

  • a completed Victorian Government insignia request form
  • proposed artwork/placement of the badge or coat of arms
Victorian Government insignia request form May 2023
Word 436.39 KB
(opens in a new window)

Any request not providing the above will not be progressed.

Guidelines on the use of the Victorian Coat of Arms


The placement, colour and representation of the Coat of Arms must comply with these guidelines.

Unauthorised use is subject to penalty under the Unauthorized Documents Act 1958. Unauthorised use may also result in prosecution.

Appropriate use of the Victorian Coat of Arms

The Victorian Coat of Arms may be used:

  • on the cover of any Victorian Government publication tabled in Parliament (such as a Royal Commission)
  • on all official Victorian Government department or ministerial stationery and business cards

The Premier or their representative can use it on official invitations to functions and events when representing Victoria (locally or overseas).

The following entities can use it for corporate branding on publications, official documents, websites and stationery:

  • the Supreme Court of Victoria
  • the County Court of Victoria
  • the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
  • the Children’s Court of Victoria
  • the Coroners Court of Victoria

Inappropriate use of the Victorian Coat of Arms

The Victorian Coat of Arms must not:

  • appear more than once in a publication
  • appear at the bottom of a page
  • be positioned next to branding or any other logos, but it can appear on the same document or publication (the Victorian Coat of Arms can be on the top left of the page and other logos can be printed at the bottom of that same page)
  • be presented as a stylised version or other artistic interpretation - only the authorised image is permitted
  • be used for commercial purposes, including gifts, souvenirs or collector’s items, or on any sporting apparel or uniform
  • be used by any person or organisation other than the Victorian Government

Design specifications for the Victorian Coat of Arms


The minimum width of the Coat of Arms is 15mm.


  • The official colour for the Coat of Arms is the Government blue (Pantone® 2945). The Coat of Arms should be produced in this colour. When considering the design of the layout and where the Victorian Coat of Arms does not appear suitable in the Government blue, black may also be used.
  • Where communication material is in a single colour, the Coat of Arms can be printed in that colour, upon approval.
  • The Coat of Arms can be reversed out of a solid colour background.
  • The full-colour version of the Coat of Arms can only be used for prestigious events hosted by the Premier.


  • The Victorian Coat of Arms must be professionally displayed and appear in a prominent position where it can be readily seen.
  • For publications, the Victorian Coat of Arms must appear on the front cover on the top half of the page.
  • For official documents, the Victorian Coat of Arms should be placed on the top half of the first page.
  • No wording or illustration should appear above or before the Victorian Coat of Arms.
  • No other brand device or logo should be positioned next to the Victorian Coat of Arms.
  • If a Victorian Government department or body’s logo also appears on the cover of a publication, it must be subordinate to the Victorian Coat of Arms. This also applies to official documents where both the Coat of Arms and brand device or logo appear together on the same page.


  • Clearspace is an exclusion zone surrounding the Coat of Arms where no other text or graphics may appear.
  • The amount of clearspace that must be allowed around the Coat of Arms is equal to twice the height of the ribbon arc. The ribbon arc is located at the bottom of the Coat of Arms and contains the words ‘Peace and Prosperity’. This is a scalable measurement - the clearspace increases with the size of the Coat of Arms.

Guidelines on the use of the State Badge of Victoria


The placement, colour and representation of the State Badge must comply with these guidelines.

Unauthorised use is subject to penalty under the Unauthorized Documents Act 1958. Unauthorised use may also result in prosecution.

Appropriate use of the State Badge of Victoria

The State Badge may be used:

  • by State Government agencies and authorities for operational uniform, identification, badges, etc.
  • by Victorian Government ministers and departments for official government purposes
  • by state branches of national organisations to identify it as representing Victoria - only organisations engaged in non-commercial activities are eligible (e.g. sporting, professional or community organisations)

Inappropriate use of the State Badge of Victoria

Only the authorised image may be used. It may not be presented as a stylised version or other artistic interpretation.

It may not be:

  • used by commercial organisations
  • used for commercial purposes, including gifts, souvenirs or collector’s items
  • used by any person or organisation other than the Victorian Government without prior approval from the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Design specifications for the State Badge of Victoria


  • The minimum width of the State Badge is 15mm.


The official colours for the State Badge are:

  • Pantone® 2945 (Government blue)
  • Pantone 185® (red)
  • Pantone® 137 (yellow).

Where communication material is in a single colour, the State Badge can be printed in that colour, upon approval.

The State Badge can be reversed out of a solid colour background.

State Badge of Victoria colour options: full colour, single colour or white reversed

There are three versions of the state badge:

  • full colour
  • single colour (outline)
  • solid colour (simplified for embroidery use)


The State Badge must be professionally displayed and appear in a prominent position where it can be readily seen.

The State Badge may be utilised in the form of print or embroidery.


Clearspace is an exclusion zone surrounding the State Badge where no other text or graphics may appear.

The amount of clear space that must be allowed around the State Badge is equal to twice the height of the eight-pointed star (centre bottom of the shield). This is a scalable measurement.

