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DPC procurement plans

A forecast of procurement activity for DPC in 2024–25

Procurements identified in this plan are expected to have a value greater than $100,000.

We publish our forecast procurement activity plans according to the Victorian government procurement policy.

The information below is forecast and subject to change at any time. It does not constitute an invitation for supply, quotation or tender. It is not a commitment to purchase the described goods or services. Our market release dates are indicative only and subject to approval.

For any queries relating to the listed planned procurements please email

Government House conservation works

Procurement description - what are the goods or services you are buying?

Heritage conservation minor construction works for outbuildings (Curwen Cottage, Chauffeurs Cottage and Hopetoun Stables)

  • replace, or prepare and paint stormwater system including metal downpipes, flashing and gutters
  • repair masonry chimney
  • repair/ replace timber weatherboards, windows, fascia and posts as specified
  • replace/ replace timber weatherboards, eaves, barge boards, doors, veranda, windows and posts as specified
  • clean, prepare and paint existing façade, fascia, soffit, windows and timber door frames
  • install new air vents.

State Apartments:

  • supply and install new carpets.
Special requirementsN/A
Estimated date for approaching suppliersQtr 4: FY 2023–24
Estimated contract duration12 months
Method for approaching suppliersITS - SPC - Selective
International agreement covered procurement?No

Interim scoping study - First Principles review

Procurement description - what are the goods or services you are buying?Engagement of an independent expert (professional services - consultant), who is suitably qualified to determine the availability and reliability of historic land use activity data on public land in Victoria since 1975, related to a new draft compensation model associated with the First Principle Review
Special requirementsThe independent expert must be jointly agreed by LJU and the First Peoples Assembly.
The expert will be required to investigate and conduct interviews with potential holders of historical land use information.
Estimated date for approaching suppliersQtr 4: FY 2023–24
Estimated contract duration5 months
Method for approaching suppliersITS - Non-SPC - Selective
International agreement covered procurement?No

Compensation model expert - First Principles review

Procurement description - what are the goods or services you are buying?Engagement of an independent expert (professional services - consultant), who is suitably qualified to provide advice on a new Compensation Model, to deliver on Recommendation 11 of the First Principles Review
Special requirementsCommissioning expert advice on a new Compensation Model to deliver on First Principles Review Recommendation 11
Estimated date for approaching suppliersQtr 1: FY 2024–25
Estimated contract duration4 months
Method for approaching suppliersITS - SPC - Selective
International agreement covered procurement?No

Treaty public communications strategy

Procurement description - what are the goods or services you are buying?

Strategy development involving:

  • development of unifying visual elements and a consistent visual language to be applied across campaign assets
  • procurement of artwork by Aboriginal Victorian artist
  • design templates for email, webpages, social media pages and other products
  • all design elements for website build
  • social media suite of assets for commercial and below the line despatch
  • design of multiple short videos
  • print and digital assets suitable for use with community stakeholders (for example local community organisations, local councils)
  • translated material for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences
  • any other assets (e.g. digital, print etc) as deemed appropriate by OMD and the media buy agency based on audience targeting.
Special requirementsN/A
Estimated date for approaching suppliersQtr 4: FY 2023–24
Estimated contract duration1 year
Method for approaching suppliersITS - Non-SPC - Selective
International agreement covered procurement?No

Cloud hosting services for the application Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and Information Services (ACHRIS)

Procurement description - what are the goods or services you are buying?Cloud hosting services
Special requirementsN/A
Estimated date for approaching suppliersQtr 2: FY 2024–25
Estimated contract duration5 years
Method for approaching suppliersITS - SPC - Selective
International agreement covered procurement?No

Complaints management process for suppliers

All supplier complaints about procurement are managed by the DGS Corporate Procurement Team to ensure due process and integrity.

We aim to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

Complaints from potential suppliers and contracted suppliers may concern:

  • the procurement process followed by DPC
  • the probity practice adopted by DPC during its procurement activity

Complaints about another issue (such as improper conduct, corrupt conduct, fraudulent activity) should be made as a Protected Disclosure.
