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DPC FOI Part II Statements

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Part II statements below provide a snapshot of the types of documents held by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and how to locate them, as well as an overview of the functions of the department.

DPC makes as much information publicly available as possible, reducing the need for members of the public to request access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act). Information can be accessed publicly on this website, and in printed material available for viewing or purchase.

The statements below are a statutory requirement under the FOI Act. The purpose of the statements is to:

  • provide a snapshot of the types of information and documents that the department holds
  • outline how to access this information and locate publicly available information
  • inform the public how to make a request for access under the FOI Act

For more information contact us.

For more information about Freedom of Information in Victoria, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s website.

Information statements
