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Appendix C: Prescribed workforces surveys: respondent profile

Appendix C for the Child Information Sharing Scheme Two-Year Review report.

Table C.1 Profile of respondents who answered 2019 and 2020 Phase One prescribed workforces surveys
Profile Details Repeat Respondents New Respondents
n=194 % n=50 %
21-39 years 28 14% 11 22%
40-49 years 63 32% 14 28%
50-59 years 61 31% 19 38%
60+ 33 17% 3 6%
Prefer not to say 9 5% 3 6%
Male 26 13% 6 12%
Female 162 84% 42 84%
Prefer not to say 6 3% 2 4%
Participated in the CISS training 186 96% 48 96%
In Person 170 88% 42 84%
Online 8 4% 3 6%
Other 8 4% 3 6%
Did not participate in the CISS training 7 4% 2 4%
Don’t know if they participated in the CISS training 1 1% 0 0%
Program Area
Maternal & Child Health 44 23% 11 22%
Family Services 33 17% 12 24%
Alcohol and Other Drug Services 23 12% 3 6%
Mental Health Services 21 11% 3 6%
Family Violence Therapeutic Responses and Counselling 10 5% 3 6%
Specialist Victim Survivor Family Violence Service 10 5% 3 6%
Out of Home Care 10 5% 3 6%
Homelessness Services 9 5% 3 6%
Orange Door (Support and Safety Hub) 7 4% 1 2%
Other* 23 14% 8 16%
Unspecified 4 2% 0 0%
*’other’ includes health, human services justice, police and family violence program areas
*because of rounding, percentages may not add up to 100%

Table C.2 Roles of Respondents who answered in both workforces survey 2019 and 2020
Role % of respondents (repeat respondents n=194)
Manager / director 29%
Team leader / practice leader 18%
Coordinator 10%
Other welfare or medical professional 15%
Other care / support worker 9%
Nurse 6%
Case manager / case worker 6%
Other 5%
Unsure/rather not say 3%
*because of rounding, percentages may not add to 100%
