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Appendix E: Phase One prescribed information sharing entities

Appendix E for the Child Information Sharing Scheme Two-Year Review report.

The following lists identify Phase One information sharing entities prescribed under the Child Information Sharing Scheme[30]. The majority of entities are prescribed under all three information sharing reforms (E.1) with an additional small number of entities prescribed under both (E.2) information sharing schemes or the Child Information Sharing Scheme only. For completeness, prescribed entities under the family violence reforms only who formed part of the Initial Tranche of prescribed entities (February 2018) in the phased implementation of the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme have also been listed (E.4).

E.1 Information sharing entities (ISEs) prescribed under Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS), Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework, including Risk Assessment Entities (RAEs)

  • Child FIRST (RAE)
  • Child Protection (RAE)
  • Department of Health and Human Services Housing
  • Designated mental health services
  • Justice Health
  • Justice Health's funded services for young people
  • Maternal and Child Health Services
  • Multi-Agency Panels to Prevent Youth Offending
  • Out-of-home care services
  • Perpetrator intervention trials
  • Registered community-based child and family services
  • Risk Assessment and Management Panels (RAE)
  • State-funded specialist family violence services including family violence counselling, therapeutic programs and perpetrator intervention (RAE)
  • State-funded alcohol and other drugs services
  • State-funded homelessness accommodation or homelessness support services (providing access point, outreach and accommodation services)
  • State-funded sexual assault services (RAE)
  • State-funded sexually abusive behaviour treatment services
  • The Orange Door (Support and Safety Hubs) (RAE)
  • Victims Assistance Program-funded services (RAE)
  • Victoria Police (RAE)
  • Victims of Crime Helpline (RAE)
  • Youth Justice and funded programs, including the Youth Parole Board (Secretariat)

E.2 ISEs prescribed under CISS and FVISS only

  • Commissioner for Children and Young People
  • Disability Services Commissioner

E.3 ISEs prescribed under CISS only

  • Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

E.4 ISEs prescribed under FVISS and MARAM only

  • Adult Parole Board
  • Children’s Court officials
  • Corrections Victoria and Corrections funded services
  • Court-ordered family violence counselling services
  • Justice Health's funded services for adults
  • Magistrates’ Court officials
  • State-funded financial counselling programs
  • Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Program

[30] Victorian government. About Information Sharing and MARAM reforms.
