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Child Link

A digital tool to help authorised key professionals who have responsibility for child wellbeing and safety.

Child Link is a digital tool that displays information about a child to authorised key professionals who have responsibility for child wellbeing and safety. Child Link shows limited but critical information, such as a child’s participation in key early childhood and education services.

By providing information, Child Link helps authorised key professionals to:

  • collaborate with other services and professionals working with the child and their family
  • identify needs, issues and vulnerabilities that may be present earlier and provide the support necessary to prevent an escalation of harm
  • make more informed decisions about the wellbeing, safety and support needs of a child in their school or service.

Security and privacy are core to the design of Child Link and strict safeguards are in place to protect information.

Information displayed on Child Link is only accessible to authorised users.

Most users are professionals who have regular contact with children and families, and can identify and intervene early where there is a wellbeing or safety concern. Professionals must be authorised by a designated senior staff member within their school or service to gain access to Child Link. Authorised professionals may include:

  • child protection workers
  • maternal and child health nurses
  • key staff in early childhood education settings
  • school principals, student wellbeing officers and key teaching staff

If you have completed training and all the steps required to activate your Child Link access, you can click on the following link to log in to Child Link.

Child Link

What do I need to know?

The Child Link Secretary’s Guidelines detail Child Link’s operational, access and usage policies including:

  • how information on Child Link is managed
  • who can access Child Link and what information can be shared
  • how authorised organisations can use Child Link to support the safety and wellbeing needs of children in their professional care.

The Child Link Secretary's Guidelines have been developed in accordance with section 46S of the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, and are accompanied by a suite of resources, tools and training for Child Link Users.

Access the Child Link Secretary's Guidelines

For more information on the Child Link Secretary's Guidelines, please contact the Department of Education at

Child Information Sharing Scheme

The Child Information Sharing Scheme allows authorised organisations to share information to support child wellbeing or safety.

Together, Child Link and the Child Information Sharing Scheme help give professionals the clarity and tools they need to share vital information to help improve outcomes for children and young people in Victoria.

To find out more information about the Child Information Sharing Scheme, visit the Child Information Sharing page.

More information

For more information on Child Link, please contact the Department of Education at
