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Community Engagement Strategy 2023–2026

Recycling Victoria is committed to meaningful, transparent and frequent engagement with our stakeholders.

About Recycling Victoria

Recycling Victoria provides leadership and oversight of waste, recycling, and resource recovery services to support the circular economy.

Our aim is to strengthen Victoria’s waste, recycling, and resource recovery sector, build resilience, and create markets for recycled products through monitoring, reporting, and regulation of waste and recycling management.

Recycling Victoria is a business unit of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

We support compliance against standards for waste, recycling, and resource recovery services. We monitor and report on the system, oversee compliance, and intervene if needed.

We have a range of regulatory powers and functions to improve and protect the stability, reliability, and integrity of waste, recycling, and resource recovery services.

We are focused on preventing risks of harm that may undermine our transition to a circular economy or disrupt our waste, recycling, and resource recovery services.

We assist local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria with strategic procurement and contract management.

The Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 outlines activities that we will regulate. These include:

  • waste, recycling, and resource recovery services
  • Container Deposit Scheme
  • Waste to Energy Scheme.

We work with stakeholders to improve data collection practices. Our aim is to maximise the value of that data to our partners and stakeholders.

We have a strong regional focus and presence across the state, which is central to Victoria’s transition to a circular economy.

Recycling Victoria works with the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, (EPA) and Sustainability Victoria, (SV) to share information, deliver a coordinated and evidence-led approach to managing risks in the sector, and deliver a circular economy for Victoria.

Our vision

A world class circular economy system that helps build a sustainable future for all Victorians.

Our values

We have a duty and responsibility to behave in accordance with the Victorian Public Sector Values. In our day-to-day operations, we will act in accordance with these values:

  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Leadership
  • Human Rights

Our strategic objectives

  • Recovery - strong and robust circular economy
  • Reliability - resilient waste and resource recovery system
  • Economy - sector investment and growth
  • Management - system capacity and capability

Community engagement at Recycling Victoria

What is community engagement?

For Recycling Victoria, community engagement means involving people in issues that affect them and working in consultation and collaboration with groups or individuals who share our goals to improve the waste, recycling, and resource recovery system and work towards a circular economy.

This involves connecting with our community to:

  • build strong relationships
  • share information and data
  • strengthen our waste, recycling and resource recovery system.

What do we mean by community?

Community is made up of the people who live, work, and visit a place or have a common interest. This can include people who share a defined geographical area, such as a local government area as well as people who share common goals or interests such as an industry or professional organisation.

Who is Recycling Victoria’s community?

These are the individuals and groups who make up Recycling Victoria’s community.

Portfolio partners
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria
  • Sustainability Victoria
Victorian government partners
  • Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
  • Department of Transport and Planning
  • Invest Victoria
  • Infrastructure Victoria
  • Victorian Planning Authority
  • Local Government Victoria
  • Major Transport Infrastructure Authority
Key stakeholders
  • Local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria
  • Waste, recycling, resource recovery, and remanufacturing industry
  • Victorian Government departments and agencies
  • Australian Government and other state and territory government departments and agencies
  • Peak bodies
  • Traditional Owners and Aboriginal networks and communities
  • Victorian public and regional communities
  • Small, medium, and large businesses
Advisory committees
  • Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee
  • Local Government Advisory Committee

Our vision for community engagement

Recycling Victoria is committed to meaningful, transparent, and frequent engagement with our stakeholders. We know that the successful transition to a circular economy relies upon everyone working together.

We will identify the appropriate method of engagement depending on who is involved, the level of participation, accessibility requirements, and project goals.

Our preferred methods for engagement include, but are not limited to:

  • Engage Victoria
  • social media
  • our website
  • direct emails
  • meetings and forums.

Principles of engagement

Our Charter of Engagement outlines our commitment to engage in a way that is:

  • meaningful
  • inclusive
  • transparent
  • informed
  • accountable
  • valuable.

The Charter of Engagement is aligned to the:

Recycling Victoria's engagement strategy

Regional, localStatewide, strategicEmerging issues and opportunities

In person and

  • Planned schedule of engagement with regional and local communities in-person and tailored, involving RV leadership and key staff
  • Regional visits

Regular and structured

  • Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee
  • Local Government Advisory Committee
  • Local government and industry working groups; networks

Ongoing and as needed

  • New schemes and functions
  • Capability development
  • Emerging issues

The Victorian public and regional communities

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
In a circular economy, all Victorians have a role to play in reducing waste and getting more value from resources. We will help the Victorian public to take part in the circular economy.
  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework

We will provide open, transparent, and accessible information via:

  • regular electronic newsletters, fact sheets, publications, website, and social media updates
  • online consultation channels
  • forums, meetings, information sessions
  • email
  • online meetings
  • face to face meetings
  • the Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee.

Local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
Local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria play a key role in household waste, recycling and resource recovery services. They invest in infrastructure. They are important to the success of Victoria’s four stream household waste, recycling and resource recovery service. They are also important to enabling an accessible container deposit scheme.
  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations
  • Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

We will engage local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria through:

  • regular meetings with senior leaders and staff
  • online meetings
  • face to face meetings
  • information sessions
  • site visits
  • targeted consultation on development and revision of guidelines and plans
  • online consultation channels
  • the Local Government Advisory Committee
  • meetings with the Municipal Association of Victoria and Local Government Victoria
  • local government representation on the Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee
  • local government operational networks.

Waste, recycling and resource recovery industry

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage

The waste, recycling and resource recovery sector brings expertise and investment to waste and recycling services. The sector will be at the forefront of process and technological innovation.

Industry and peak associations also play a role in Victoria's circular economy.

  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations
  • Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

We will engage industry through:

  • face to face meetings
  • online meetings
  • site visits
  • participation in industry forums and conferences
  • online consultation channels
  • targeted consultation on development and revision of guidelines and plans
  • industry representation on the Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee.

Traditional Owners

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
We acknowledge the deep connection of Traditional Owners to Country. We recognise and respect the authority of Traditional Owners. We empower Traditional Owners and Victorian Aboriginal communities to make decisions about the things that matter to them.
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations

We will take part in forums and conversations at the invitation of Traditional Owners.

We will consult Traditional Owners on matters that affect Aboriginal communities in accordance with the DEECA Traditional Owner and Aboriginal Community Engagement Framework.

Victorian government departments and agencies

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
We engage across the Victorian government and with other regulators to deliver Victoria's circular economy policy and provide an easy to understand and consistent approach to regulation.
  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations
  • Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

We will engage with government through:

  • cross agency working groups
  • face to face meetings
  • online meetings
  • email
  • online consultation channels
  • memoranda of understanding.

Local Government Advisory Committee

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
Local government plays a critical role in delivering waste, recycling and resource recovery services for Victorian residents. The Recycling Victoria Local Government Advisory Committee will provide a voice for local government to support Recycling Victoria’s work.
  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations
  • Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

We will engage this committee through:

  • bi-monthly committee meetings
  • online consultation channels
  • email
  • special interest group discussions.


Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
All businesses, small and large, have a role to play in reducing waste and getting more value from resources. We will help Victorian businesses take part in the circular economy.
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan

We will provide open, transparent, and accessible information via:

  • regular electronic newsletters, fact sheets, publications, website, and social media updates
  • online consultation channels
  • community forums, meetings, information sessions
  • email
  • online meetings
  • face to face meetings
  • the Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee.

Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage
The Recycling Victoria Advisory Committee will provide expert advice to the Minister for Environment and the Head, Recycling Victoria to support the state’s transition to a circular economy. This committee brings diverse issues, perspectives, and experiences to inform our role and functions.
  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations
  • Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

We will engage this committee through:

  • bi-monthly committee meetings
  • email
  • special interest group discussions.

Regulated entities

Why we engageWhat we will engage aboutHow we will engage

Regulated entities will be required to meet mandatory standards that will give the community confidence that waste, recycling, and resource recovery is being managed safely and effectively with no disruption to services.

This will create greater stability, reliability, transparency, and accountability in the market.

  • Regulatory Strategy
  • Charter of Engagement
  • Container Deposit Scheme refund sharing protocols
  • Victorian Recycling Infrastructure Plan
  • Strategic Procurement Framework
  • Waste to Energy Scheme
  • Service Standards for Household Waste and Recycling Services
  • Data provision regulations

We will engage regulated entities through:

  • face to face meetings
  • online meetings
  • site visits
  • participation in industry forums and conferences
  • online consultation channels
  • targeted consultation on development and revision of guidelines and plans.

When the strategy is working

We will know we have been successful if you:

  • tell us we have communicated openly and honestly
  • are clear about what we do and how we will work together
  • are open with us and tell us about your issues and aspirations
  • trust us to do our jobs and to work with you
  • feel included and that you are part of our decision-making process.

How you can engage with us

  • participate in engagement activities
  • subscribe to our electronic newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter
  • visit our website for updates
  • contact us at
  • call our customer support phone line on 136 186.

If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 or visit

When we are engaging, we ask that you:

  • be respectful of our staff, other community members, and stakeholders
  • provide us with feedback on our engagement so that we can improve our processes.
