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Contact Working with Children Check Victoria

Message us online

We’ll do our best to get back to you within 5 business days, but at the present time responses may take longer than usual.

Send an online enquiry

Call us

The fastest and preferred option is to contact the customer contact centre on 1300 652 879 Monday to Friday – 9am-4pm

Need help calling?

Don't speak English?

Call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask them to call the Working with Children Customer Support Line.

Vision or hearing impaired?

Connect to the National Relay Service (NIR). Call 133 677 for TTY/voice calls or 1300 555 727 for 'Speak & Listen'.

Write to us

Working with Children Check Victoria
Department of Justice and Community Safety
GPO Box 1915
Melbourne VIC 3001
