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Victorian teacher information re Working with Children Checks

If your workers are registered with the VIT, they’re exempt from the Check. Here are the key differences and what to do if their registration status changes.

If your workers or volunteers are teachers or early childhood teachers who are currently registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), they’re exempt from holding a Working with Children Check, unless they’ve been given a WWC Exclusion.

This is because registration with VIT is only granted to people who are appropriately qualified and assessed by VIT as ‘suitable to teach.’

If you’re unsure whether your worker or volunteer is currently registered with VIT, you can check their registration status on the VIT website.

All teachers and early childhood teachers registered with VIT must notify Working with Children Check Victoria (WWCCV) of any child-related work they do outside of their teaching in a school or early childhood service, regardless of whether it is paid or voluntary work.

If a teacher’s VIT registration is suspended or cancelled, WWCCV may notify the relevant organisations that the teacher exemption no longer applies.

A registered teacher who does child-related work –other than teaching in a school or early childhood service– must notify WWCCV of this work by completing the Teacher notification form.

Go to Teacher notification form

What if their VIT registration is suspended or cancelled?

If your worker’s VIT registration is suspended or cancelled, the teacher exemption no longer applies. They must apply for a Check.

WWCCV will notify you if your worker’s VIT registration is suspended or cancelled, provided they’ve listed your organisation’s details using the Teacher notification form.

What if their VIT registration is no longer current?

If your worker’s or volunteer’s VIT registration is no longer current and their role involves child-related work, they must apply for a Check.

The current status of a person's Check can be viewed online at Service Vic's Status Checker.

What’s the difference between VIT registration and the Check?
