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Cyber incident management plan

The Victorian Government Cyber Incident Management Plan provides important information about how the Victorian Public Sector will respond to cyber incidents.

Our cyber threat environment is significant

Every 45 seconds cyber criminals try to compromise Victorian Government IT networks. The nature and scale of threats we face today is greater than ever before.

Managing these threats requires clear roles and responsibilities and coordination across organisations.

The Victorian Government Cyber Incident Management Plan

Victorian Government departments and agencies have partnered to develop the Victorian Government Cyber Incident Management Plan (CIMP).

Download the CIMP:

Victorian Government Cyber Incident Management Plan
PDF 515.66 KB
(opens in a new window)

Download the CIMP flyer:

Victorian Government Cyber Incident Management Plan flyer
PDF 27.48 KB
(opens in a new window)

The CIMP applies to all Victorian public sector bodies. Local councils are encouraged to adopt the plan.

The CIMP provides important guidance about:

  • Roles and responsibilities for responding to cyber incidents.
  • Terminology and categories for defining cyber incidents.
  • Protocol for information and intelligence sharing.
  • Linking cyber incident responses with emergency management and national arrangements.

The CIMP does not replace your organisation’s existing information security plans, policies and procedures. Rather, you should update existing documents to align with the CIMP.

What you need to do

It is important to familiarise yourself with the CIMP and follow the advice it provides.

This includes:

  • Creating a cyber incident response plan for your organisation.
  • Establishing a cyber incident management team within your organisation.
  • Practicing your response to cyber incidents with your incident management team.

We have created a generic cyber incident response plan template to support you. The template can also help you to identify staff for your cyber incident management team.

Why this is important

Adopting the CIMP will align your cyber incident response activities with the Victorian Government approach.

By working together in a consistent and coordinated way, we can reduce the impact of cyber incidents across the Victorian Government.

Let’s all do our part to help keep Victoria cyber safe.
