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Cyber security procurement

Find out how to procure cyber security services for Victorian Government departments and agencies.

e-Services: Cyber security and associated services

The Department of Premier and Cabinet manages the eServices contracts for the Victorian Government. Registered suppliers offer cyber security services in the following categories.

Email for more information about the following services.

Cyber security general consultation

  • stakeholder mapping including needs and risks
  • Victorian Protective Data Security Framework - implementation and assessment
  • information asset discovery and classification including critical asset
  • strategy, policies, procedures and guidelines
  • strategy development
  • configuration/security architecture assessment, design and implementation

Security audits

  • third party management including risk assessments and audit
  • threat and risk assessments
  • IRAP assessments (note must have staff with Australian Signals Directorate accreditation)

Other specialist advice

  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and cyber legal advice
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and Industrial Control System security consulting

Cyber human behaviour

  • culture surveys
  • training and awareness

Security testing

  • social engineering testing including phishing testing
  • vulnerability assessment services
  • Red team services
  • disaster recovery testing

Technical security services

  • anti-malware
  • denial of service protection

Monitoring services

  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and anomaly detection
  • Security Operation Centre (SOC)
  • Hunt and CERT services
  • threat intelligence

Security incident and Data breach management

  • forensic analysis services
  • incident management training and event simulation
  • incident management procedures
  • incident management services
