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Mission Delivery Plan 2024-25

This Mission Delivery Plan details the priorities we will pursue over the next two years to improve government cyber resilience, build cyber safe communities and a vibrant cyber economy for Victoria.

This page hosts the Mission Delivery Plan which details the work that will start in 2024-25 to help us continue to deliver on our vision for a cyber safe Victoria.

There is a link to download a copy of this Mission Delivery Plan below.

Victoria’s Cyber Strategy Mission Delivery Plan (2024-2025)

The Victorian Cyber Strategy 2021 was established to create a cyber safe Victoria. It guides our work to build improved cyber security resilience for government, industry, and the community.

Priority Initiatives

This Mission Delivery Plan details the priorities we will pursue over the next two years to improve government cyber resilience, build cyber safe communities and a vibrant cyber economy for Victoria.

1. Reducing the risk of adverse cyber security events on government systems and services:

Actions we will undertake to deliver on this priority:

  • Strengthen Victoria’s cyber risk management arrangements by enhancing the Whole of Victorian Government (WoVG) Cyber Operating Model.
  • Reduce the complexity and time it takes for public sector organisations to buy cyber goods and services by finalising a cyber security State Purchase Contract across the most common cyber security tools and services.
  • Provide expert cyber incident response, cyber threat intelligence, consequence management and the coordination of technical and operations support to the Victorian Public Sector (VPS) organisations through the Cyber Incident Response Service.
  • Embed best practice throughout the VPS on the safe and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by releasing guidance on the use of AI in the VPS.
  • Improve supplier risk management practices across the VPS to help reduce and mitigate supply chain risks by establishing a WoVG supply chain risk management program.
  • Improve public sector cyber defences through the targeted uplift of baseline cyber security controls across the VPS.

2. Boosting cyber security skills, talent and career pathways

Actions we will undertake to deliver on this priority:

  • Partner with education providers and industry to develop a sustained VPS cyber pathway program for the Certificate IV in Cyber Security.
  • Work with partners such as the Australian Women in Security Network and Code Like a Girl to deliver targeted skills initiatives and champion a diverse Victorian cyber workforce.
  • Deliver a Global Cyber Talent Migration Support pilot to undertake targeted promotion to encourage high-skilled cyber workers to relocate to Victoria and connect them with interested employers to address critical skills needs.

3. Supporting the continued growth of Victoria’s cyber industry

Actions we will undertake to deliver on this priority:

  • Provide opportunities for Victorian businesses to connect with international markets through events such as trade conferences.
  • Strengthen Victoria’s reputation as the cyber capital of Australia by expanding the Victorian Government's engagement program for CyberCon and enhancing the value proposition for Victoria's cyber sector.
  • Build Victorian SME cyber security resilience and awareness by utilising Victorian Government digital engagement channels to promote cyber risk management and prevention strategies, including through targeted information campaigns

4. Building improved cyber security resilience for the community and across industries

Actions we will undertake to deliver on this priority:

  • Reduce the impact of cyber incidents by providing the Victorian community timely and appropriate advice on the steps they can take to minimise related harms.
  • Work with government and key partners to deliver programs which uplift the cyber resilience of Victoria's vulnerable communities, including older Victorians and persons with disability.
  • Continue to prepare Victoria for significant cyber security incidents and emergencies by reviewing the Cyber Incident Management Plan, leading training and awareness programs and continuing to support effective cyber communities of practice.

Download a copy of this Mission Delivery Plan:

Mission Delivery Plan 2024-25
Word 370.44 KB
(opens in a new window)
