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Objectives, indicators and outputs

The department’s progress is reported under the objectives, outputs and indicators set out in the 2020–21 State Budget Paper No. 3 (BP3): Service Delivery, as shown in the following table.

Progress and performance reporting

The department’s progress towards BP3 objectives and indicators, and its performance against the output performance measures, are reported below.

Departmental objectives, indicators and linked outputs (BP3)





Raise standards of learning and development achieved by Victorians using education, training, and early childhood education services

  • Children developmentally ‘on track’ on the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) in the language and cognitive skills domains [1]
  • Proportion of early childhood services meeting or exceeding National Quality Standard Area 1 (NQSA1—educational program and practice)
  • Students meeting the expected standard in national and international literacy and numeracy assessment [2]
  • Average score in science (Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 15‑year-olds) in Victoria compared to global top performers [3]
  • Percentage of positive responses to teacher collaboration within school [3]
  • Year 12 or equivalent completion rates of young people [3]
  • VET course completions
  • Certificate III or above course completions
  • Proportion of graduates with improved employment status after training
  • Strategy, review and regulation
  • Early childhood education
  • School education—primary
  • School education—secondary
  • Training, higher education, and workforce development
  • Support services delivery
  • Support for students with disabilities


Increase the number of Victorians actively participating in education, training, and early childhood education services

  • Participation in a kindergarten service in the year before school
  • Proportion of ECEC services meeting or exceeding National Quality Standard Area 6 (NQSA6—Collaborative partnerships with families and communities)
  • Mean number of student absent days per full‑time equivalent (FTE) per year [4]
  • Mean number of unapproved student absence days per FTE per year in secondary schools [4]
  • Students with a positive opinion about their school providing a stimulating learning environment [4]
  • VET enrolments by age and gender
  • VET enrolments by administrative regions
  • VET enrolments by skills shortage category courses
  • VET enrolments by specialised category courses
  • VET participation by learners facing barriers
  • VET participation by unemployed learners
  • Proportion of VET students satisfied with teaching in their course
  • Strategy, review and regulation
  • Early childhood education
  • School education—primary
  • School education—secondary
  • Training, higher education, and workforce development
  • Support services delivery
  • Support for students with disabilities


Increase the contribution education, training, and early childhood education services make to good health and quality of life for all Victorians, particularly children and young people

  • Proportion of children who have no behavioural issues on entry into Prep
  • Proportion of children who have no general development issues on entry into Prep
  • Children developmentally ‘on track’ on the AEDC social competence and emotional maturity domains
  • Students feeling connected to their school
  • Students with a positive opinion about their school providing a safe and orderly environment for learning
  • Level of student satisfaction with VET
  • Strategy, review and regulation
  • Early childhood education
  • School education—primary
  • School education—secondary
  • Training, higher education, and workforce development
  • Support services delivery
  • Support for students with disabilities


Increase the productivity of our services.

  • $ per kindergarten student per year
  • $ per primary school student per year
  • $ per secondary school student per year
  • $ per VET student contact hour
  • Strategy, review and regulation
  • Early childhood education
  • School education—primary
  • School education—secondary
  • Training, higher education, and workforce development
  • Support services delivery
  • Support for students with disabilities

[1] This indicator refers to government and non‑government schools.

[2] This indicator refers to government schools for the national assessments, and both government and non‑government schools for the international assessments.

[3] These indicators refer to government schools.

[4] These indicators refer to government schools.
