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Performance against output performance measures

The following sections detail the outputs provided by the department to the Victorian Government, including performance measures and costs for each output, and the actual performance results against budgeted targets by output over the full year ending 30 June 2022.

The department’s 7 outputs are:

  • strategy, review and regulation
  • early childhood education
  • school education—primary
  • school education—secondary
  • training, higher education and workforce development
  • support services delivery
  • support for students with disabilities.

The reported outputs refer to the financial year, unless otherwise indicated, and link to the department’s objectives of achievement, engagement, wellbeing and productivity.

Discontinued measures for 2021–22

Following assessment by the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee, the performance measures listed below were discontinued for 2021–22.

Discontinued performance measures

Output group

Performance measure name

School education – secondary

Percentage of Year 9 students with a Careers e-Portfolio

Support for students with disabilities

Students funded under the disability program in government schools as a proportion of the total student population
