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Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

The Victorian Government will invest $148.2 million over 4 years to establish a new statutory authority.

The Victorian Government will invest $148.2 million over 4 years to establish a new statutory authority, the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy).

The Academy will deliver a new Australian-first program of advanced professional learning for high-performing teachers in government, Catholic and independent schools.

Once established, the programs provided by the new Academy will provide an opportunity for our best teachers to remain in the classroom and receive additional development to become recognised as statewide leaders in teaching excellence.

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership will build on the existing Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership with a new focus on the provision of cross-sectoral professional learning for Victoria’s highly skilled teachers.

Teaching Excellence Program

The Teaching Excellence Program (TEP), the flagship of the Academy, is a one-year program for up to 500 teachers per year across all sectors.

This program will deepen teaching excellence for Victoria’s highly skilled teachers, advancing their professional expertise through access to the latest research in the science of learning and discipline-based pedagogical content knowledge.

The TEP will:

  • enable the development of high-quality teaching in the discipline areas
  • research, develop, explore and test new and emerging professional practice
  • provide access for highly skilled teachers across the state and sectors from all subject areas and schools.

A strong pipeline of high-performing teachers is key to delivering long-term improvements in student outcomes.

To further extend and leverage the TEP investment, the program graduates, known as ‘Academy Fellows’ will be invited to participate in a rich program of ongoing challenge and learning.

Following the first year of the TEP, several Academy Principal Masters will be appointed. These Principal Masters will lead the design, development, and facilitation of the TEP, coordinating the input of other education experts including practitioners and academics, conducting teacher focus groups and testing of content.

Further information about application and entry into the TEP will be released in mid-2021.


Once established, the Academy will be based in a purpose-designed CBD site, as well as across seven regional Academies in:

  • Geelong
  • Ballarat
  • Mildura
  • Shepparton
  • Moe
  • Bairnsdale
  • Bendigo

The symbolic building at 41 St Andrews offers a reminder of a proud history of educational endeavour and through the creation of contemporary learning places both centrally and in regions, a message about the importance of the profession, its visibility as an institution and its status.

Seven new regional centres will ensure rural and regional teachers can access high-quality professional development regardless of their location.

Responsiveness to regional needs and circumstances and co-design with regional communities will ensure programming is fit-for-purpose.
