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Strategy and action plans: Department of Education

The direction, planned outcomes, and strategies we will use deliver the Victorian Government's education and training reforms.

202428 Strategic plan

The Strategic Plan 2024–28 outlines the department’s overarching strategy to achieve its vision of ‘A great education for every child and young person – so they can thrive now, and in the future, for a fairer, smarter, and more prosperous state.'

202226 Aboriginal inclusion plan

Dhelk Wukang, the department’s fourth Aboriginal Inclusion Plan, is our commitment to strengthening Aboriginal inclusion, self-determination and cultural safety at all levels within the department, including the Victorian Public Service and Government Teaching Service.

The plan outlines the proactive steps the department is taking to support tangible, positive structural change across our entire workforce – both in school and corporate settings – to ensure every departmental workplace is safe for Aboriginal people.

202225 Gender equality action plan

The department's Gender Equality Action Plan for 2022-25 sets out our commitment to promote workplace gender equality, ensuring a gender equitable, safe, inclusive and respectful workplace for all staff in government schools and our corporate workplaces.

202327 Disability action plan

The Disability Action Plan 2023 to 2027 (the plan) demonstrates the department’s work to support the Victorian Government’s vision of an inclusive Victoria. It sets out the current actions the department is undertaking to provide inclusive schooling for all Victorian students.

201922 Disability employment plan

The department’s Disability Employment Plan for 2019-22 sets out our commitment to boosting employment opportunities and career experiences for people with disabilities. It includes a range of actions that will set stronger foundations through policy, procedures and processes that will remove barriers and ensure increased inclusion across our workplaces.

Learn more

Read more about the inclusive education program: Inclusive education for students with disabilities.

2023–27 Cultural diversity plan

The department’s 2023-27 Cultural Diversity Plan outlines the proactive steps the department is taking to build cultures of respect and belonging and strengthen diversity and inclusion in the department’s workforce and all early education and school settings.

The plan shares the vision and priorities of the department’s 2023-2027 (2023-27 Strategic Plan) and has been shaped around four focus areas - early childhood education participation, student learning and wellbeing, intercultural capability in schools, and workforce diversity and professional learning – to bring together our work under current strategic reforms that lifts outcomes for children and young people from multicultural communities.

The plan is supported by an action register which will be updated annually to identify the specific actions that will deliver on these four focus areas and their objectives to:

  • support all children and young people in early education and school settings to build positive relationships and gain insight and understanding from cultural diversity
  • respond to changing patterns of need of multicultural and refugee students to help build a culturally safe service system and support students to participate fully in education
  • build inclusive recruitment, work practices and training to improve career pathways and support the diversification of our workforce and leadership.

The plan also responds to the requirement under the Multicultural Victoria Act 2011 for departments to develop cultural diversity plans to meet the needs of Victoria’s diverse communities.

Ministerial Statement of Expectations for regulators

Information on Ministerial Statement of Expectations (SOE) that are available as formal public statements to each regulator outlining the government’s expectations. Our regulators include:

  • Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
  • Quality Assessment and Regulation Division (QARD)
  • Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT).

Climate change and adaption action plan

The 2022-2026 Climate Change Adaptation Action plan sets out how we intend to address the challenges of climate change.

Statistics on Victorian schools and teaching

Summary statistics on Victorian schools including children, teacher supply and demand, and expulsion data.
