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DET - Learn Local Sector - 15 June 2022 - Learn Local Just in Time Round 2 - next cut-off date for EOIs selection

Submit an expression of interest by COB 30 June 2022.

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • PIRE Branch staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director – ACFE Division

Date: 15/06/2022

Subject: Learn Local – Industry Just in Time Round 2 next cut-off date for EOIs selection

Actions / Critical dates

  • Express Interest (EOI) in Learn Local Industry Just in Time initiative by next cut-off date of COB 30 June 2022.
  • Review the Just in Time guidelines.
  • Submit your EOI (at the end of guidelines document) by email to with the title Just in Time and name of the organisation and cc your regional office.
  • Email any questions to or to your regional office.

The ACFE Board is committed to supporting strong and collaborative partnerships between Learn Locals and employers to drive employment outcomes for educationally disadvantaged adult learners, including through the Learn Local Industry Just in Time initiative.

The Just in Time initiative is to address employers’ immediate business skills needs for pre-accredited training with whom the Learn Local has an already developing partnership.

Round 2 of the Learn Local Industry Just in Time initiative is open for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from Learn Local providers until October 2022, with several cut off dates when applications received are evaluated.

Learn Local providers with a developing industry partnership please review the Just in Time guidelines attached and submit an expression of interest on the included form, and by COB 30 June 2022 to be in the next batch for evaluation and selection.

Learn Local Just in Time initiative contracts will be for six months duration and cover cost of these services:

  • Development of bespoke teaching and learning resources and program suited to partner employer for either or both jobseekers and existing workers
  • Development of initial assessment and placement tools to assess learner suitability for the bespoke program
  • Industry brokerage
  • Administration costs (not including standard operational costs)
  • Legal advice
  • Other, but not bespoke program delivery that is to be paid from Learn Local’s annual pre-accredited training delivery hours.
Just in Time guidelines (Attachment 1).
Word 57.95 KB
Updated 14 June 2022
(opens in a new window)
Download the Just in Time guidelines
