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DET - Learn Local Sector - 25 January 2022 - Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program new intake opportunity

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 25 January 2021

Subject: Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program (ALNPP) new intake opportunity

Actions and critical dates

Pre-accredited educators, please apply for the next intake of the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program by 10 February 2022 by contacting Tamsin Rossiter at or Catherine Devlin at

Adult Learning Australia (ALA) and Adult and Community Education Victoria (ACEVic) will be coordinating the delivery of another round of the ALNPP between February and June 2022. The orientation session for this round is scheduled for Thursday, February 10 2022, 2:00 pm-2:45 pm.

The ALNPP has been extremely successful and participants have commented on the high quality of the program and they have appreciated the inclusion of a broad range of literacy and numeracy teaching and learning resources.

The ALNPP program will be delivered wholly online and includes interactive discussion spaces and Q&A webinars facilitated by experienced Learn Local ALNPP mentors.

The ALNPP takes a minimum of 20 hours to complete and includes the following topics

  • putting adult learning theory into practice
  • unpacking adult literacy and numeracy theory
  • using the Pre-accredited Quality Framework
  • using the Australian Core Skills Framework
  • trauma-informed practice and addressing learning difficulties
  • maximising your impact for adults with low literacy and numeracy.

Pre-accredited educators who have not yet taken part in the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program please apply for the next intake in February 2022 by contacting

Tamsin Rossiter or

Catherine Devlin ALA
