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DET - Learn Local Sector - 9 May 2022 - May 2022 Expression of Interest Process for ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Communication and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board

FROM: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

DATE: 9 May 2022

SUBJECT: May 2022 Expression of Interest Process for ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours

Actions / Critical Dates:

  • Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the May 2022 ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours opens on Tuesday, 10 May 2022.
  • Please download and review the May 2022 Expression of Interest Guidelines for ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours, check eligibility requirements and submit your Application Form and A-frame where applicable by COB Monday, 23 May 2022.
  • Contact your regional office if you have any questions.

Expression of Interest

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for May 2022 ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours. This includes additional pre-accredited training delivery hours for:

  • Digital Skills
  • General Pre-accredited

The EOI Guidelines and Application Form for May 2022 ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours for your EOI are attached to this Memo and will be available on the Learn Local sector website.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible to submit an EOI, you must:

  • Be registered with the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board, or be covered by the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.
  • Have a current satisfactory ACFE Board Business and Governance Status Assessment (BGS), or have a current Skills First government subsidised accredited training contract.
  • Be contracted for 2022 Pre-accredited Training Delivery.


Learn Local - MAY 2022 Expression of Interest Guidelines for ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours
Word 69.62 KB
(opens in a new window)

Learn Local - Attachment 1: Expression of Interest Application Form, May 2022 ACFE Additional Pre-accredited Delivery Hours
Word 123.03 KB
(opens in a new window)

Contact details

For further information, please contact your regional office.
