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LGBTIQ+ people

Tailored guidance for the recruitment and selection of lesbian, gay, trans and gender diverse people.

Data regarding LGBTIQ+ people is variable, and many people may not feel comfortable identifying as LGBTIQ+ for a variety of reasons including privacy, confidentiality and safety.

Key considerations

LGBTIQ+ people still face discrimination and stigma. Even for people who are ‘out’, dealing with ignorance, prejudice and discriminatory behaviour can mean that applying for a board position is off-putting.

Do not presume heterosexuality or a gender (i.e. assuming someone’s pronouns). Recognise that gender, sex and sexuality are different concepts. Be aware of selection processes that – even unintentionally – presume candidates are heterosexual or cis gender. A key example is application forms which only include F or M as gender options. It is important to recognise that gender, sex and sexuality are separate concepts and a person’s gender does not mean they have particular sex characteristics or a particular sexuality. The VPS Inclusive Language Guide provides advice about using language that is inclusive of all people.

Provide practical examples of your board’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. LGBTIQ+ applicants may feel pressure to change their appearance or other ways they express themselves to suit an organisation. Boards can demonstrate that they are inclusive and welcoming through using diverse imagery in promotions and providing examples of diversity initiatives such as a LGBTIQ+ Pride network.

Ensure that staff involved with recruitment and appointment processes are trained in, and demonstrate, inclusive practices. There are several useful resources regarding LGBTIQ+ recruitment and people management. Staff who are not welcoming and inclusive to diverse applicants can mean that queries from potential applicants do not lead to applications.

Demonstrate zero tolerance of homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and discrimination against people with an intersex variation. This could be through policies or a code of conduct that explicitly state the expected behaviours from Boards.

Be sensitive about disclosure. If someone does personally disclose to you, depending on the situation, you may wish to confirm whether the information is confidential. Similarly, LGBTIQ+ people may choose not to share information regarding their sexual orientation, gender or sex characteristics.

There is a significant level of diversity within and between LGBTIQ+ communities. LGBTIQ+ communities are highly diverse and each subgroup has unique needs and interests. Avoid making assumptions that all LGBTIQ+ people are homogenous.

Key advertising channels

Advertising channel Description Process to advertise or contact information
Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities

The Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities works closely with Victoria's LGBTIQ+ communities to provide advice to the Victorian Government on the development of policies, services and programs that are inclusive and meet the needs of diverse communities.

Upon request, the Commissioner can advertise vacancies directly to their community networks via social media channels.

Email appointment details to
to advertise on social media channels.
Joy 94.9 Australia’s LGBTIQ+ community radio station. Email appointment details to Community Service Announcements at
The Star Observer A free monthly magazine and online newspaper for LGBTIQ+ communities, including a job vacancy webpage. Email appointment details to The Star Observer at
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council (AGMC) Australia’s peak body for LGBTIQ+ people of multicultural and multifaith backgrounds. Email appointment details to
to advertise through the GLBTIQ newsletter.
Ethical Jobs A national jobs board for government, non-profit and community organisation jobs, including an LGBTIQA+ category. Email appointment details to
GLOBE An LGBTI community group that supports Victorian LGBTI professionals and small business owners. Positions can be advertised through the GLOBE newsletter. Email appointment details to
LGBTI Jobs A national LGBTI job board. Complete the online contact form and provide appointment details.
