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Recruitment process checklist

This checklist summarises the considerations in this guide, to support you through the recruitment process

1. Planning an inclusive recruitment process

  • Incorporate the guidance outlined throughout this document into planning your recruitment and selection process.
  • Consultation on diversity must be undertaken. This should occur prior to the advertisement of a board position and as early in the recruitment process as possible.
  • Use an open and competitive recruitment process.

2. Identifying specific requirements of appointments

  • Consider the diversity of personal qualities, knowledge, skills and experience that are required for effective management of the entity now and in the future.
  • Include diversity and lived experience as components of your board skills matrix (refer to Appendix I) to assist with reviewing your existing board composition.
  • It is important to consider diversity from an intersectional perspective, and recognise that an individual may be part of more than one of the key cohorts listed in this document.

3. Consulting on diversity

  • When planning a recruitment and selection process, it is mandatory to consult in relation to each of the following cohorts:

4. Developing the position description and recruitment materials

  • Use plain English and inclusive language, a logical structure and clear headings in the position description and advertisement.
  • Frame the position description to reflect the inherent requirements of the role and avoid including ‘nice to haves’ if they are not essential to the performance of the role. Include relevant lived experience, professional experience and practical knowledge.
  • Provide contact information on the position description.
  • Highlight the Victorian Government and board’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and any existing policies or actions taken by the board to support diversity and inclusion.
  • Use application documents to collect information on diversity to understand how you can support diverse candidates through the process.
  • Ensure all recruitment materials are available in an accessible Word format and consider providing alternative formats.

5. Advertising the position

  • Plan your approach for promoting the role, including advertising through formal channels and informal methods of reaching candidates, including community organisations, radio, print etc.
  • Advertise the position on ‘Join a Public Board’.
  • Advertise the position widely and through diverse channels, including internet recruitment sites, social media and newspapers or notices targeting diverse communities (refer to Key Considerations for Cohorts).

6. Shortlisting the candidates

  • Consider the ratio of diverse applicants when reviewing the selected shortlist of candidates.
  • Be mindful of any bias and barriers to participation.

7. Conducting the interviews

  • Consider diversity in assembling the selection panel (including gender, ethnicity and other characteristics) and consider including an independent person (ideally, this would be a person from another sector or portfolio who has no existing relationship with the board) on the panel.
  • Consider alternative interview formats and do not rely solely on formal interview approaches.
  • Ask candidates about their access requirements and any support needed to ensure they have a fair and equitable opportunity to participate in the interview process.
  • Advise applicants of any remuneration that they may be eligible to receive for the role (where applicable), and that that they are eligible for reimbursements for reasonable expenses to reduce barriers to participation.
  • Encourage panel members to introduce themselves using their preferred pronouns (for example: she/her, he/him, they/them), and invite interviewees to do the same if they feel comfortable to do so.
