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Early childhood services - child safety in physical and online environments

Guidance on Child Safe Standard 9: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children to be harmed.


This standard requires services to make a cultural shift and consider child abuse in all risk assessments and planning.

Standard 9 focuses on:

  • child safety and wellbeing in physical and online environments
  • ensuring that arrangements for purchasing services from third parties maintain child safety

Services must analyse and understand potential risks to children, including risks created by:

  • physical and online environments
  • incursions
  • excursions
  • regular transportation
  • works or renovations at the premises

Services must address online behaviour in their Child Safe Environment Policy and other service policies.

The risks at Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) or vacation care services are quite different to risks at services for children under school due to:

  • children’s ages and developmental stages
  • the location of these services.

Many OSHC services operate from premises that aren’t built to meet early childhood regulatory requirements. In these cases, supervision is more difficult.

Actions services must take to comply with Standard 9

Standard 9: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children to be harmed.

Early childhood services must comply with all the following elements of this standard:

  • Staff and volunteers identify and mitigate risks in the online and physical environments without compromising a child’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities (9.1).
  • The online environment is used in accordance with the service’s Code of Conduct and Child Safe Environment Policy and practices (9.2).
  • Risk management plans consider risks posed by service settings, activities, and the physical environment (9.3).
  • Services that contract facilities and services from third parties have procurement policies that ensure the safety of children and young people (9.4).

How to comply - examples and ideas

