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Early childhood services - family engagement

Guidance on Child Safe Standard 4: Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.


Standard 4 focuses on involving families in decisions about children’s safety and wellbeing.

It recognises the vital role they play in monitoring children’s safety and wellbeing and helping children raise concerns.

Your service must engage openly with families about:

  • decisions affecting their child
  • the service’s child safe approach
  • its operations and governance.

Ways to involve families include:

  • involving them in policy development and review, and taking their feedback seriously
  • creating an open and transparent culture
  • reflecting the diversity of the community
  • promoting a greater understanding of child safety
  • encouraging them to raise concerns or ideas for improvement.

Actions services must take to comply with Standard 4

Standard 4: Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Early childhood services must comply with all the following elements of this standard:

  • Families participate in decisions affecting their child (4.1).
  • The service engages and openly communicates with families and the community about its child safe approach and relevant information is accessible (4.2).
  • Families and communities have a say in the development and review of the service’s policies and practices (4.3).
  • Families, carers and the community are informed about the service’s operations and governance (4.4).

How to comply - examples and ideas

