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Non-school providers - implementation of child safety practices

Checking regularly that policies and procedures are up to date.

About the Standard

This Standard requires child safety policies and procedures to be continuously reviewed and improved. Being a child safe organisation requires continuous improvement and capability building. Child safe organisations:

  • have an open and transparent culture
  • learn from child safety incidents
  • put the interests of children first.

Non-school providers must regularly review, evaluate and improve policies and procedures. They must also:

  • analyse complaints, concerns and safety incidents to:
    • identify causes and systemic failures
    • inform continuous improvement
  • report on the findings of relevant reviews of child safe practices to staff and volunteers, families, carers, children and the community.

How to comply

A non-school provider must:

  • regularly review, evaluate and improve its child safety practices
  • identify causes or system failures by analysing:
    • complaints
    • concerns
    • safety incidents
  • ensure continuous improvement in child safety policies, procedures and practices (for example, by implementing recommendations arising out of review of practices or analysis of causes or system failures)
  • report outcomes of reviews to staff, volunteers, provider community, families and students
  • ensure policies and procedures are regularly reviewed.

Examples of compliance

A non-school provider complying with this Standard may:

  • regularly review its child safety and wellbeing policies and procedures
  • make sure policies and procedures record a date of approval
  • commit to reviewing a policy or procedure prior to its date of expiry
  • remember to consult and engage with students, families, carers and the provider community on relevant findings.
