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Access Child Link and support child wellbeing and safety

Contact the department to access Child Link by November 2024.

We strongly encourage all services delivering Victorian Government-funded kindergarten programs to access Child Link.

Child Link is a digital tool that displays information about a child to key professionals who have responsibility for child wellbeing and safety, and is a key enabler for information sharing.

Services can nominate up to 3 Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registered teachers to become Child Link Users.

To become a Child Link User, all teachers must first complete a 2.5-hour Information Sharing and Child Link training session. Funding is available to support early childhood teachers to attend training.

To request access to Child Link, contact the Child Link Implementation team by email:

Child Link shows limited but critical information, including a child’s participation in early childhood services and schools, to help you to:

  • make more informed decisions about the wellbeing, safety, and support needs of a child in your service
  • better identify risks and vulnerabilities and provide the necessary support to prevent any escalation of harm
  • encourage cross-service collaboration to facilitate more holistic support around a child
  • provide support earlier by linking together information from across services
  • facilitate smoother transitions between early childhood services and schools by responding to gaps in participation.

Find out more

For further enquiries, contact the Child Link Implementation team by email:
