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Stay up to date on Arrival

Check out our dedicated webpage to help you transition to the new kindergarten reporting system.

In last month’s Early Childhood Update, we explained that Arrival will gradually replace KIMS (the Kindergarten Information Management System) as the new system for data reporting and the collection of attendance data.

Arrival will be introduced from January 2025 and will make it easier for Victorian government-funded kindergarten services to report data.

To help services transition to the purpose-built system, we’ve set up a dedicated Arrival webpage.

The webpage provides the latest information about Arrival, including:

  • how to prepare for Arrival
  • when and how you’ll start using the system
  • how to access support and guidance materials and information sessions.

We’ll continue to keep you informed about Arrival through direct mail and Early Childhood Update, and encourage you to access the Arrival webpage at any time for the latest updates and support materials.

You can also contact the department’s Arrival Implementation team with any questions or support needs. Please refer to the team’s contact details below.

Find out more

For more information, refer to the Arrival webpage.

For further enquiries, contact our Arrival Implementation team by email:
