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The Victorian Government’s response to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women

The Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women was established to find solutions for problems such as unequal pay and workplace barriers to women‘s success.

Ensuring women are able to participate fully in our state’s economy and workforce is key to progressing gender equality. Improving economic outcomes for women has broad-reaching impacts on women’s health, safety, and ability to age well. Women’s economic equity also increases social inclusion and benefits the economy.

What is economic equity?

Economic equity is taking steps to make sure wealth and opportunities are shared fairly by all people and obstacles that make them more difficult to access are reduced.

For women, it means working to make sure gender inequality doesn’t limit women’s career potential or ability to achieve financial independence, safety and security.

The Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women

In July 2021, the Victorian Government established the independent Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women.

The Inquiry brought together a panel of independent business and community leaders to consider the current state of women’s economic equity and workplace participation in Victoria and make recommendations on how to address it.

The Inquiry Panel, made up of chair Carol Schwartz AO and members Liberty Sanger AOM and James Fazzino, submitted its final report to the Treasurer and Minister for Women in January 2022.

The report contains 31 recommendations and 26 findings to support women’s full participation in the workplace and economy, based on 86 responses from stakeholders in government, the private, academic and community sectors, unions, and advocacy groups.

Our response to the Inquiry

Our response supports, supports-in-part, or supports-in-principle 28 of the Inquiry’s 31 recommendations, with the three remaining recommendations subject to further consideration.

Find our response to the Inquiry into the Economic Equity of Victorian Women as well as the Inquiry report below.

Find out more about why we launched the Inquiry on the Department of Treasury and Finance website.

Full response

Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women - Final Report
PDF 9.15 MB
(opens in a new window)
Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women - Final Report (Accessible)
Word 330.19 KB
(opens in a new window)

The Government’s response to the Inquiry:

Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women - Government’s response
PDF 545.32 KB
(opens in a new window)
Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women - Government’s response (Accessible)
Word 2.08 MB
(opens in a new window)
