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Expression of Interest Process for ACFE 2024 Training Delivery

General Pre-accredited Training Delivery and Additional Digital Literacy Skills Places

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Training, Skills and Higher Education

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Georgina Lyell, A/Executive Director, ACFE Division

Date: 28/08/2023

SUBJECT: Expression of Interest Process for ACFE 2024 Training Delivery: General Pre-accredited Training Delivery and Additional Digital Literacy Skills Places

Actions and critical dates

  • Please download and review the Adult Community and Further Education 2024 Training Delivery Guidelines, check eligibility requirements and submit your Delivery Plan by Friday, 15 September 2023.
  • Register here(opens in a new window) for an information session on Thursday, 31 August or Tuesday, 5 September 2023 (see ACFE Division Memo 21 July 2023) and attend a Regional Forum in your local area.
  • Please upload your Business Governance Statement (BGS) in SAMS2 by 30 September 2023 if it is due and ensure your signatory is up to date in SAMS2 to ensure timely contracting.
  • Contact your regional office if you have any questions or need assistance.


The Learn Local sector plays a vital role in changing the lives of thousands of Victorians each year by supporting learners to achieve their learning goals. It provides opportunities for people to re-engage with education and training, participate in positive learning experiences, and gain the confidence and skills they need to improve their lives and take the next steps towards their future, whether it be further study, gaining employment, or maintaining employment by upskilling or changing careers.

The ACFE Board has developed a multi-year strategy that builds on the achievements of the sector to date, encourages innovation, and optimises the sector’s position in the adult education and training environment into the future.

The delivery of ACFE Board funded training programs is a core component of this work.

This EOI commences the planning and allocation process for training to be delivered in 2024, aligned to the needs of learners in local communities.
The ACFE Board is supporting the Department to develop training resources and other supports to assist providers in this endeavour. A number of centrally developed resources are available in both General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital Literacy Skills (including employability with a digital component) program streams. These resources can be adapted to meet local community needs. Learn Local providers should review and use or adapt these centrally developed resources as a first consideration when planning their EOI responses.

The ACFE Board is in the process of updating the current Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF) to PQF+ through the implementation of the new pre-accredited model - Stronger by Design. Implementation of PQF+ and the new Stronger by Design model will take place incrementally over the coming years to allow sufficient preparation time for all Learn Locals to transition. Learn Locals who have participated in PQF+ pilots or professional development will be expected to at least partially deliver under the Stronger by Design model in 2024. More information on this will follow.

Expression of Interest (EOI) for ACFE 2024 Training Delivery

The Adult Community and Further Education 2024 Training Delivery Guidelines including Attachment 1, ACFE 2024 Program Table cover application processes, eligibility and assessment criteria for General Pre-accredited Training and Additional Digital Literacy Skills (including employability with a digital component) places.

The 2024 Guidelines and Delivery Plan template covering General Pre-accredited training and Additional Digital Literacy Skills (including employability with a digital component) program streams for your EOI will be made available on the Learn Local website.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible to submit an EOI, you must:

Upload your BGS (including financial statements) into SAMS. All BGS’s are due 30 September 2023 for providers working on a financial year. If a BGS is not received by this date, the Department cannot offer you a Service Plan for ACFE Board General Pre-accredited Training or Additional Digital Literacy Skills (including employability with a digital component) places

How to submit your EOI

Regional office staff are available if you need assistance with completing your Delivery Plan. Your regional office will also be in contact regarding upcoming regional forums which are designed to assist you in completing the EOI process.

Please see below the ACFE 2024 Training Delivery Guidelines and 2024 Delivery Plan template.

2024 ACFE Training Delivery Guidelines
Word 1.39 MB
(opens in a new window)
2024 Training Delivery Plan - Version2
Excel 148.62 KB
(opens in a new window)

Regional Office Contact Details

For further information, please contact your regional office.

  • North Western Victoria, Kaye Callaghan – 03 4433 7582
  • North Eastern Victoria, Catherine Clark – 03 9084 8573
  • South Eastern Victoria, Jeremy Brewer – 03 8904 2503
  • South Western Victoria, Tamsin Rossiter – 03 4245 9171
