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Expression of Interest process

2024 Family Learning Partnerships Expression of Interest process and next steps.

Expression of Interest Process

Expressions of Interest for the 2024 round of the Family Learning Partnerships program will open Tuesday, 28 November 2023 and will close 4pm, Thursday, 14 December 2023. All documentation will be made available on the Vic Gov website at Family Learning Partnerships.

  1. Download and read the FLP Guidelines
  2. Download and complete the FLP EOI
    1. Please do not make a PDF of the EOI form.
    2. If you are working with other organisations in the development and delivery of your project, you need to identify these organisations on the EOI form and obtain a signed Letter of Commitment to the project signed by all partners.
  3. Submit your EOI and any related documentation to: no later than 4pm, Thursday, 14 December 2023. Late project proposal forms will not be accepted.

Please note: All Expressions of Interest will be acknowledged on receipt by the Department staff. If you have not received a response within 5 working days, please contact your regional office to confirm your project proposal has been received.

Please check your SPAM filters in case emails from the Department go astray.

What happens next?

  1. The FLP assessment panel will consider your Expression of Interest in line with the FLP Guidelines. Your regional office will liaise with you if any issues are identified, or further clarification is required.
  2. Advice on outcomes will be emailed to you by your regional office in January 2024. Successful providers will be required to provide a detailed project implementation plan against the key outcomes over the life of the project.
  3. Notification of a Service Agreement Variation will be sent to your organisation's signatory via SAMS2. Providers should check and ensure that your organisation's signatory is up to date in SAMS2.
  4. As a first milestone, complete the FLP Budget, Project Implementation Plan and Risk Mitigation Templates for discussion at an induction meeting with your regional office. This is one document with 3 worksheets.
  5. Additional milestone payments, determined as part of the funding agreement, will be made based on the achievement of agreed project milestones outlined in the Service Agreement Schedule.

Please note: Your signatory will have a five-day window to view the Service Agreement Variation after which SAMS2 will automatically accept on behalf of your signatory.
