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Chair’s foreword

The independent Fire District Review Panel (the Panel) was established under section 4 of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (the Act) to provide recommendations, every four years, to the Minister for Emergency Services (the Minister) about the change in risk around Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) fire district boundaries. In undertaking this work, areas serviced by the Country Fire Authority (CFA) adjacent to the FRV fire district boundaries were necessarily considered.

The inaugural Panel was appointed in 2020, and the determination of a change in fire risk is part of its first four-yearly review.

From commencement, the Panel was clear about applying an evidence-based approach to the statewide assessment of fire risk, and about engaging with key stakeholders to ensure that a robust, transparent and analytical methodology was developed.

This Supporting Report to the Determination (Supporting Report) contains information about the Panel’s risk-based methodology. Background material is available on the Panel’s website

The application of this foundational methodology provides a statewide baseline for future Panel reviews of changes in fire risk. In future years the methodology can be adapted and enhanced as more research and data become available for factors affecting fire risk.

The determination identifies 13 CFA areas adjacent to FRV fire district boundaries that require further advice to the Panel from the CFA as to how they will support the capacity of relevant volunteer brigades to respond effectively to the change in fire risk.

This advice from the CFA to the Panel is due no later than 30 January 2024.

The Panel will provide other key stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the determination, including FRV, affected local government municipalities, and organisations that represent both volunteer and employed firefighters.

Beyond the determination, where changes in fire risk have also been identified in either areas not adjacent to, or within, the FRV fire district boundaries, the Panel will undertake further analysis and provide information to the fire agencies to assist with capacity building decision-making. The Department of Justice and Community Safety will also be advised.

It should be noted that the Act makes provision for the Minister to request the Panel undertake a specific review upon receiving recommendation from the Secretary, Department of Justice and Community Safety, where there is evidence of a change in fire risk and that change warrants such a review.

On behalf of the Panel, I would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the CFA and FRV in provision of knowledge and data that informed the analysis, the support provided by the Department of Justice and Community Safety in the establishment phase of the Office of the Fire District Review Panel, and contributions by other key stakeholders, especially during the refinement of the Panel’s methodology.

Special thanks to the staff in the Office of the Fire District Review Panel whose specialist expertise has enabled the Panel to discharge its legislative responsibilities.

Valerie Callister PSM

