For every stage of your career journey, the resources below can help you find the transport and logistics job that is the best fit for you.
Skills and Jobs Centres
Contact your local Skills and Jobs Centre for qualified, independent advice and support on training, career planning and finding a job in your area.
Search for jobs and careers
Explore these transport and logistics related job and career sites:
Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
If you’re an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, explore these resources for more information:
- Barring Djinang – Aboriginal employment in the Victorian public sector programs(opens in a new window)
Pathways for Aboriginal university and vocational students for employment in the Victorian public service - Indigenous Employment Australia(opens in a new window)
Job search site for sustainable jobs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - APM Indigenous Job Seekers(opens in a new window)
Job seeking service for Indigenous Australians - Indigenous Apprenticeships Program(opens in a new window)
Pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to start a career in the Australian Public Service - Maxima(opens in a new window)
First Nations traineeships and employment opportunities in a range of industries.
Licensing and regulatory information
Licensing and regulatory requirements may apply for individual courses and occupations in the transport and logistics industry. Ask your training provider for details.
Resources to plan your next steps
Visit our transport and logistics industry profile to find out about:
- what it’s like to work in transport and logistics, and some of the jobs you could do
- training and skills to work in the industry, and financial assistance to help pay for your course
- help getting a job in transport and logistics, and industry job projections for Victoria
- other free resources and advice to plan your training and career.
Explore growing industries in your region