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Hannah Valenti – Youth wellbeing worker

Hannah completed a school-based traineeship, now she works as a Youth wellbeing worker supporting young Victorians with their mental health.

Hannah Valenti

About me

Name: Hannah Valenti

Job: Youth Wellbeing Worker at Orygen Recovery, Parkville

VET: VCAL and Certificate III in Community Services; Certificate III in Education Support; Certificate II in Business; Certificate I in Employment Pathways; and a Diploma of Youth Work.

Location: Sunbury

The VET courses I did at school really put me ahead of the game.

My story

What was your VET journey?

I started studying VET Certificates in Year 10 and completed as many VET subjects as I could while I was at school.

The teachers were unbelievably good and I enjoyed learning so much about fields I really liked.

The work I do now is incredibly meaningful – I run groups that teach important life skills to young people who are facing challenges with their mental health.

What advice would you give to students who are considering a vocational pathway?

You get a qualification, get straight into the workforce and it's hands on – it's great!

What challenges did you face along the way?

I have a learning disability so I thought I would struggle but a vocational pathway actually helped me achieve more than I thought I was capable of. I received Excellence Awards and got the highest marks in my year level.

Work hours?

Either a morning, afternoon or overnight shift

Inside or outside?

Mainly inside

Solo or teamwork?

Definitely teamwork.


Orygen really take care of their staff, the grounds are beautiful, the facilities are gorgeous and I have fantastic colleagues.

People don't know?

A lot of the work is collaborative.

Average salary?

$1,800 per week for an experienced youth worker.

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