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Independent Review into administrative and compliance activities in Victorian government schools

An Independent Review into administrative and compliance activities undertaken in government schools has been commissioned by the Victorian Minister for Education.

About the Independent Review

The Independent Review (‘the Review’) into administrative and compliance activities undertaken in government schools was commissioned by the Minister for Education in May 2024.

The Review is examining the underlying drivers of administrative and compliance work in government schools, identifying solutions to counter those drivers, and providing advice on options to reduce and better manage this work.

It will use a broad reaching consultative model to build on the current information that the government has on the administration and compliance issues raised through principal and school staff surveys. Findings from previous audits into school workload pressures, including the recent Victorian Auditor-General’s Office Audit of Principal Health and Wellbeing, will also be considered.

The Review’s Terms of Reference (DOCX - 66kb) serve as a guiding document, outlining the objectives, scope, responsibilities, and methodology for the Review. Three advisory groups have been established to support the Review: an Oversight Committee, an Administrative Workload Consultative Committee, and a School Staff Reference Group.

Reducing the time and effort Victoria’s government schools spend on administrative and compliance activities will give government school leaders and teachers more time for great teaching.

The lead reviewer

The Review is being led by independent education policy expert Katie Roberts-Hull. Ms Roberts-Hull is currently Chief Executive Officer of Think Forward Educators and has extensive experience in education both in Victoria and overseas. She holds a Masters in Public Administration and a Masters in Business Administration.

Ms Roberts-Hull is uniquely suitable to lead the Review due to her combination of public policy and education expertise, and her independence from government.

Having your voice heard

Ms Roberts-Hull and the Review team invite all staff from the Victorian Government school workforce to contribute their ideas on how to improve the administration and compliance activities in schools.

Broad consultation with principals, teachers, business managers and other school staff is central to the work of the Review. Multiple options for participation will be offered to suit different preferences.

Most consultation is planned to occur during Term 3. Further detail on consultation timing will be available soon.


A Final Report is due to the Minister by December 2024.


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