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Building the workforce of the future

The NDIS is transforming the disability system and the workforce will need new skills and new ways of working to support people with disability.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is transforming the way disability services are funded and accessed to ensure all people with disability get the best support possible.

The disability workforce is on the frontline of the changes needed to deliver this ambitious scheme.

The rollout of the NDIS started in Victoria on 1 July 2016. By the time the scheme is fully operational in 2019, the NDIS will support a total of 105,000 Victorians. The Victorian Government will invest $2.5 billion per year in the full scheme.

This investment and the expanded choices and opportunities for people with disability under the NDIS will result in the demand for services and support increasing significantly.

Recent estimates by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) predict that the Victorian disability workforce will need to grow by approximately 76 per cent to meet the projected growth in demand over the next 3 years. [Source: NDIA Victorian Market Position Statement 2016]

Attracting and retaining workers with the right skills, values and attitudes will be crucial to deliver more and better support for people with disability.

The NDIS is transforming the disability system from rationed, block-funded support to an individualised model that empowers people with disability to decide what support they receive, who provides it, and how it is provided.

For the workforce, this shift will demand new skills and new ways of working, with a focus on active support to facilitate inclusion and independence for people with disability.

The same changes will also affect the structure of the workforce and employment arrangements. A crucial opportunity for disability service providers will be to deliver flexible and responsive services to clients, while offering attractive jobs, fair conditions and appropriate training and development for staff.

To take advantage of these opportunities, the NDIS presents a unique opportunity for the workforce. It places the spotlight on disability and the crucial role of the workforce to create better outcomes for people with disability.

The NDIS will give disability workers new skills, greater diversity in job roles, and the opportunity to do exciting and valued work that has a direct impact on the lives of others.
