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Our plan

The objectives and priority areas of our plan.

Keeping our sector strong: Victoria’s workforce plan for the NDIS is Victoria’s plan to build the disability workforce of the future: a workforce that is skilled, diverse and dynamic, delivering high-quality, innovative support to achieve the best possible outcomes for people with disability.

As part of the plan, $26 million will be invested in workforce development, training and skills initiatives.

The plan is informed by the Victorian Government’s NDIS Implementation Taskforce and the Victorian Skills Commissioner’s NDIS Skills Forum.

These groups are the government’s key NDIS advisory bodies. They include people with disability and their advocates, as well as organisations representing the views of carers, the workforce and service providers.

Our objectives

Victoria's workforce plan for the NDIS has four objectives that will guide our actions for the next 3 years.


Build intelligence on workforce trends to inform workforce planning and provide an evidence base for the future.


Build workforce capability through quality education and training opportunities aimed at developing a high-performing workforce with the knowledge and skills required to thrive under the NDIS.


Improve workforce supply by increasing the disability sector's capacity to attract and retain workers with the right skills and values to meet the growing demand for high-quality, individualised support across the breadth of participant needs.


Maximise opportunities for innovation in practice, service delivery and workforce models to drive improved outcomes for people with disability.

Our priorities

To achieve our objectives, the Victorian Government, with assistance from the Commonwealth Government, is investing $26 million* in workforce development. [*includes $4.88 million provided by the Commonwealth Government's NDIS Sector Development Fund.]

The funding will assist with the following priorities:
