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Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum

The Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum was established in 2005 to enable the Victorian Government and Aboriginal communities to address issues of Aboriginal family violence.

Our role

The Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum and its members are the individual and collective champions and strategic leaders that oversee the Dhelk Dja Safe Our Way 10 Year Agreement.

Dhelk Dja - Safe Our Way - Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families Agreement
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Aboriginal community leaders and the Victorian Government work closely with the community and stakeholders to refine the Aboriginal-led agenda for culturally safe responses to family violence and to make key decisions, advance strategic priorities and monitor progress against the 10 Year Agreement.

The Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum meets three times per year with forum locations rotating across Victoria in one of the 11 Dhelk Dja Action Group regions.


  • Partnership Forum Co-Chairs, Dhelk Dja Action Group Chairperson (hosting region) and Deputy Secretary Family Safety Victoria, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons of the 11 Dhelk Dja Action Groups
  • Former Chair of the Indigenous Family Violence Taskforce
  • Aboriginal Community Elders Services
  • Aboriginal Housing Victoria
  • Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Services Inc.
  • Djirra
  • Indigenous Men’s Resource and Advisory Service
  • Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
  • Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association
  • Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc.
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations
  • Koorie Youth Council
  • Victim Survivors' Advisory Council representatives
  • The Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People
  • Respect Victoria
  • Safe + Equal
  • Dardi Munwurro
  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety
  • Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
  • Victoria Police
  • National Indigenous Australians Agency

More information


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