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Common policies on the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020

If you work for the Victorian Public Service, these policies apply to you and your organisation.

On this page

Before you use these policies

The Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2024 (Agreement) was formally approved by the Fair Work Commission on 12 August 2024. Consistent with the Fair Work Act 2009, the Agreement commenced operation on 19 August 2024. Clause 4.4(e) of the Agreement, commits the parties to reviewing and updating the common policies on this page, within 12 months of the Agreement coming into effect. IRV are leading this work. In the interim, the existing common policies remain operational only where they provided guidance on clauses from the 2020 VPS Agreement which have not been amended by the new Agreement. If you have questions about the application of the common policies, please consult the relevant provision in the Agreement or contact your employing entities People and Culture unit for further advice.

How to use these policies

These policies provide guidance on the interpretation and application of the key provisions of the VPS Agreement and the FW Act.

You may read these policies in line with what is in the VPS Agreement and amendments to the FW Act as a guide to the application of a particular provision.

Regardless of whether the policies are new policies or have been updated, the VPS Agreement and the FW Act are the ultimate source of all entitlements and will prevail over these policies to the extent of any inconsistency.

If there's a conflict with your organisation's policy

These policies take precedence over your organisation's policy and will apply to the extent of any inconsistency.

The VPS Agreement and the FW Act provides the minimum conditions of employment for VPS employees. Employers may use their discretion to offer more generous entitlements than what's in the VPS Agreement and the FW Act in exceptional circumstances.

If you have questions

Victorian Public Service employees

Speak with your HR team about how the VPS Agreement and these underpinning policies apply to your individual employment circumstances.

Please note Industrial Relations Victoria cannot provide advice on individual employment matters or provide advice about the application of the policies to your employment. All questions of this nature should be directed to your employing agency's HR team.

Victorian Public Service employers

Speak with the HR/IR team of your portfolio department for further advice in the first instance.

If they can't help you they may seek further guidance from Industrial Relations Victoria by emailing

Updated or New Policies for the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020

All of the below policies have been updated or are new policies for the VPS Agreement and the FW Act.

Abandonment of Employment

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 20.4 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may be considered to have abandoned their employment.

Abandonment of Employment
PDF 189 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Annual Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 45 of the VPS Agreement which outlines an Employee’s (other than a casual employee’s) entitlement to paid annual leave.

Annual Leave
PDF 185.28 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Cashing out of Annual Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 46 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request to have their annual leave entitlement cashed out and the circumstances in which the Employer may approve that request.

Cashing out of Annual Leave
PDF 165.63 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Christmas Closedown

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 42 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which the Employer may affect a closedown between the first working day after Christmas Day to the first working day after New Year’s Day by facilitating Employee leave arrangements.

Christmas Closedown
PDF 176.54 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Compassionate Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 54 of the VPS Agreement which outlines an Employee’s entitlement to paid and/or unpaid Compassionate leave.

Compassionate Leave
PDF 175.17 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 21 of the VPS Agreement and sets out the circumstances where the Employer will meet an Employee’s reasonable legal cost relating to the Employee’s appearance and legal representation.

Costs of Employment Related Legal Proceedings
PDF 175.53 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Cultural and Ceremonial Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 60 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent may apply for cultural and ceremonial leave.

Cultural and Ceremonial Leave
PDF 198.51 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Defence Reserve Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 63 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may be granted leave and top up pay to facilitate their participation in Defence Reserve activities.

Defence Reserve Leave
PDF 205.2 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Employment Categories and Secure Employment

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 18 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the categories of employment in which an Employee may be engaged and the obligations on Employers to preference ongoing forms of employment over casual and fixed term arrangements wherever possible.

Employment Categories and Secure Employment
PDF 286.73 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Family Violence Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 52 of the VPS Agreement and FW Act and outlines the range of workplace supports available to Employees who are experiencing family violence, including access to up to 20 days paid leave.

Family Violence Leave
PDF 374.24 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Flexible Working Arrangements – Specific Circumstances

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 10 of the VPS Agreement and FW Act which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee has a protected right to request flexible working arrangements and the circumstance in which the Employer may approve that request.

Flexible Working Arrangements - Specific Circumstances
PDF 329.07 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Foster and Kinship Care Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 57 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may be granted paid leave if the Employee provides short-term foster or kinship care as the primary caregiver to a child who cannot live with their parents as a result of an eligible child protection intervention.

Foster and Kinship Care Leave
PDF 172.38 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Gender Equality

This policy provides guidance in relation to the operation of clause 28 of the VPS Agreement and outlines the framework through which systemic gender equality issues can be identified, reviewed and resolved.

Gender Equality
PDF 391.49 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Gender Transition Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 58 of the Agreement which outlines the range of supports available to an Employee to assist the Employee transition to commencing to living as a member of another gender (gender affirmation).

Gender Transition Leave
PDF 181.95 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Jury Service

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 64 of the VPS Agreement which outlines an Employee’s entitlement to leave with pay for the purpose of jury service.

Jury Service
PDF 174.9 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Leave to Attend a Rehabilitation Program

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 59 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee (other than a casual employee) may request leave to undertake rehabilitation for addiction.

Leave to Attend a Rehabilitation Program
PDF 167.37 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Leave for Blood Donations

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 65 of the VPS Agreement which outlines an Employee’s entitlement to leave with pay for the purpose of making a blood donation.

Leave for Blood Donations
PDF 163.29 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Leave to Engage in Voluntary Emergency Management Activities

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 66 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request leave to engage in voluntary emergency management activity with a recognised emergency management body.

Leave to Engage in Voluntary Emergency Management Activities
PDF 220.91 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Leave to Participate in the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 61 of the VPS Agreement and outlines an Employee’s entitlements to leave to fulfil official functions during their term as an elected member of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.

Leave to Participate in the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria
PDF 179.98 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Long Service Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 62 of the VPS Agreement which outlines an Employee’s entitlement to Long Service Leave.

Long Service Leave
PDF 205.56 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Management of Misconduct

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 25 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the process for managing misconduct, or allegations of misconduct, by Employees.

Management of Misconduct
PDF 246.75 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Management of Unsatisfactory Work Performance

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 24 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the process for managing unsatisfactory work performance by Employees.

Management of Unsatisfactory Work Performance
PDF 207.28 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Managing Bullying and Negative Workplace Behaviour

This policy provides guidance to assist Employers to identify, manage and reduce bullying and other negative workplace behaviours.

Managing Bullying and Negative Workplace
PDF 452.42 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Mobility Principles and Payment

This policy provides guidance in relation to clauses 15 and 16 of the VPS Agreement and outlines how the mobility principles outlined in clause 15 of the VPS Agreement will be operationalised and the circumstances in which an Employee may be paid an annual mobility payment.

Mobility Principles and Payment
PDF 333.32 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Movement between Value Ranges

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 27.5 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the process for conducting a job resizing review which may lead to resizing of a job from one value range to another value range within the same VPS Grade.

Movement between Value Ranges
PDF 184.36 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Occupational Health and Safety and Rehabilitation

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 74 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the Employer’s obligations and key responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) and the Agreement.

Occupational Health and Safety and Rehabilitation
PDF 190.25 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Other Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 70 of the VPS Agreement which outlines that an Employee may request other leave (with or without pay) for any purpose and that the Employer may grant that request on a case-by-case basis.

Other Leave
PDF 177.15 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Parental Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 55 of the VPS Agreement. It outlines an Employee’s entitlement to parental leave if the leave is associated with the birth of a child of the Employee or their spouse, or their legal surrogate, or the placement of a child with the Employee for adoption, and the Employee has or will have responsibility for the care of the Child.

Parental Leave
PDF 445.66 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Participation in Sporting Events

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 68 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request leave to participate or officiate in a non-professional state, national or international sporting event.

Participation in Sporting Events
PDF 175 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Performance Development and Progression within a Value Range

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 29 of the VPS Agreement and summarises the eligibility requirements for an Employee to be eligible to be considered for a Progression or a Top of Grade or Value Range Payment.

Performance Development and Progression within a Value Range
PDF 281.91 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Personal/Carer’s Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 51 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee is entitled to be absent from the workplace because of illness, injury or unexpected emergency and the notice and evidence required to access that entitlement.

Personal / Carers Leave
PDF 329.26 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 18.3 of the VPS Agreement which sets out the probationary period and the process for managing VPS Employees during their probationary period.

PDF 172 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Public Holidays

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 50 of the VPS Agreement and outlines an Employee’s entitlements if the Employee is required to work on a public holiday.

Public Holidays
PDF 181.54 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Purchased Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 47 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request to purchase additional weeks of leave.

Purchased Leave
PDF 203.35 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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This policy provides guidance in relation to the Victorian Government’s Victorian Public Service Redeployment Policy contained in the Public Sector Industrial Relations Policies 2015, which gives effect to clause 23 and the Schedule A of the VPS Agreement.

PDF 236.95 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Reimbursement of Expenses

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 36 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may seek reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in the course of their duties.

Reimbursement of Expenses
PDF 201.56 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Review of Actions

This policy outlines how Employees may apply to their Employer for an initial review of an employment related action that directly concerns them and that they consider to be inconsistent with the Public Administration Act 2004 or the Employment Standards.

Review of Actions
PDF 195.55 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Right to Disconnect

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 44 of the agreement, which establishes an Employee’s right to disconnect from work and refrain from engaging in work-related communications and activities, such as emails, telephone calls or other messages outside of the Employee’s working hours or during periods of leave or rostered days off, unless the refusal is unreasonable.

Right to Disconnect
PDF 238.49 KB
(opens in a new window)

Secondments and Temporary Assignments

This policy provides guidance and establishes the principles for secondments and temporary assignments within the VPS. This Policy to be read in conjunction with the Mobility Principles and Payment Policy.

Secondments and Temporary Assignments
PDF 326.91 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Study Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 69 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request paid leave to undertake an accredited course of study and the circumstances in which the Employer may approve that request.

Study Leave
PDF 188.81 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Surrogacy Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 56 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request leave if the Employee or their spouse/partner is a Surrogate or a Surrogacy Parent.

Surrogacy Leave
PDF 248.82 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Use of Technology

This policy summarises the legal obligations and guiding principles for the provision, maintenance and use of information technology and communications technology resources and should be read in conjunction with Employer specific policies.

Use of Technology
PDF 229.44 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Usual Place or Places of Work

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 19 of the VPS Agreement and outlines an Employee’s entitlements if an Employee’s usual place or places of work is changed by their Employer.

Usual Place or Places of Work
PDF 184.61 KB
Updated 25 Jan 2024
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Voluntary Community Activities Leave

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 67 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request leave to fulfil their official functions for a Municipal Council or community organisation.

Voluntary Community Activities Leave
PDF 167.76 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Workload Management Policy

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 14 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the process for a Workload Review.

Workload Management Policy
PDF 242.94 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
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Working from Home

This policy provides guidance in relation to clause 22 of the VPS Agreement which outlines the circumstances in which an Employee may request home-based work arrangements and the circumstances in which the Employer may approve that request.

Working From Home
PDF 186.05 KB
Updated 24 Jan 2024
(opens in a new window)

Industrial Relations Victoria notes that the pdfs linked from this page do not meet accessibility standards. IRV has committed to publishing accessible (WCAG AA compliant) HTML versions of these documents. This will be done at the time the SDP platform has been enhanced to accommodate more complex nested lists to preserve the integrity of the Common Policies in their current form.

Please contact if you have any queries.
