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Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery

Supporting our TAFE network to meet the new era with confidence.

About us

We're working with TAFEs across Victoria in a new way to build a stronger, more effective TAFE network.

The Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery will lead the TAFE network and ensure that Victorians have access to the best training for the jobs being created.

This will allow TAFEs to enhance the quality of their courses and align their training. In turn, this will meet the needs of Victorian industries, communities, and students.

The TAFE network is vital in the new era of work. Together we can respond to rapid technological and social shifts, as well as the upheaval of COVID-19.

What we do

The Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD) is a unit within the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.

We will be helping TAFEs to plan their delivery of training. We will use robust data to establish clear priorities.

We will also be supporting TAFEs to work as a cohesive network. Together, we will be sharing strengths to provide accessible training across Victoria.

We will ensure TAFEs work together to deliver the right, high-quality courses. In this way, our students will be job-ready, and our employers will get the skilled workers they need, when and where they need them.

We're also introducing clear guidance about expectations for public providers. As a result, TAFEs will be able to better perform their role as vocational education and training leaders and focus on priority training.

The OTCD is part of a revitalised approach to skills and training in Victoria. The OTCD will work with the new Victorian Skills Authority. The Victorian Skills Authority will have oversight of training delivery. It will establish local and state-wide priorities, based on rigorous data and evidence.
