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TAFE director appointments and induction

Processes for appointing and remunerating members of TAFE institute boards.

Selection and appointment

Processes and principles for appointing and remunerating members of Victorian government entities such as TAFE institute boards are subject to the Appointment and remuneration guidelines which outline Victoria’s standard processes for appointing people to government boards, commissions and similar offices.

When making board appointments, consideration will be given to:

  • the skills and experience of the candidate in relation to the TAFE institute board skills matrix
  • the gender of the candidate in the context of the Victorian government’s policy for all new appointments to boards of Victorian public entities to be 50% women
  • any potential conflict of interest that a candidate may have
  • the government's commitment to greater representation of women, indigenous Australians, youth, people with a disability, people with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, gender diverse and intersex people.

Board opportunities

The process for recruiting new board members needs to commence well in advance to terms expiring to ensure sufficient time to shortlist and interview candidates, and for government and departmental approvals.

TAFE board director opportunities are advertised on Join a public board, which is designed to connect potential directors with Victorian public sector board opportunities.

A potential public entity director must be confident they have the time and commitment to serve actively and conscientiously on a board, can maintain a degree of separation from any representative group with which they are associated, and can act as an independent director of the board and have no conflict of interest or duty.


TAFE institutes are publicly owned providers of vocational training and in some cases, higher education, established under the Victorian Education and Training Reform Act 2006. They are considered to be public entities under the Public Administration Act 2004 and Financial Management Act 1994.

Each TAFE institute is governed by an independent board. The government exercises its role as owner via its responsibility for TAFE sector governance and the establishment of TAFE boards.

Appointments to TAFE boards are skills-based, informed by a transparent selection process to identify candidates with the skills required to govern large training organisations.

To support new TAFE board appointees the department has developed an induction kit. If you would like a copy of the TAFE board induction kit, email

Remuneration for board chairs and directors

The remuneration of both the chair and director positions on TAFE institute boards is determined by the classification of TAFE institutes and eligibility.

Classification of TAFE institutes

TAFE institutes are classified as Group A (either Band 3 or Band 4) organisations under the Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines (the Guidelines).

Remuneration levels differ between directors and chairs due to the additional responsibility placed on chairs. The remuneration range for chairs and directors can be found in the Appointment and Remuneration guidelines.


Eligibility requirements can be found in the the guidelines. These must be read in conjunction with Schedule 2 clause 3(3) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 which prohibits a director of a TAFE institute board being remunerated if they hold a full-time government office, or a full-time position in the public service, teaching service, or with a statutory authority (other than a university).
