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Partnership agreements between the Victorian Government and Victorian universities

A partnership model between the Victorian Government and 10 universities.

A partnership model between the Victorian Government and 10 universities

As part of the Victorian Universities Support Package announced on 19 May 2020, the Victorian Government established a new partnership model with Victorian universities.

The then Department of Education and Training worked with the 10 Victorian universities established under state legislation to develop individual partnership agreements that reflected the new partnership model between the Victorian Government and each Victorian university.

Following the Machinery of Government changes on 1 January 2023, the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) is now responsible for maintaining these partnerships.

These partnership agreements focus on a number of high-priority objectives that are of shared interest and mutual benefit for the Victorian Government and Victorian universities.

It is important to note that the Australian Government retains primary responsibility for funding and policy for higher education and universities.

The partnership agreement for each Victorian university was signed by their respective vice-chancellor and by the Minister for Higher Education and Treasurer on behalf of the Victorian Government in 2021.

The 10 universities involved are:

  • Australian Catholic University
  • Deakin University
  • Federation University
  • La Trobe University
  • Monash University
  • RMIT University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • University of Divinity
  • University of Melbourne
  • Victoria University

These partnership agreements represent a significant milestone and reflects the Victorian Government's commitment to a strategic partnership with each Victorian university.

The partnership agreements have established the following:

Purpose and context

Framing of the ongoing relationship between the Victorian Government and all Victorian universities by setting out agreed areas of common interest and mutual benefit.


Methods in which the Victorian Government and all Victorian universities will work towards mutually beneficial outcomes, with a review planned every 2 to 3 years to ensure priorities remain valid and reflect organisational changes and economic conditions.

Shared objectives

Common objectives that the Victorian Government will work on with all Victorian universities. This includes a university sector with world-leading education, research and engagement outcomes, with a stronger alignment of education pathways and industry demand.

Priorities for collaboration

Key areas prioritised for collaboration between the Victorian Government and Victorian universities. These are unique to each university and are outlined via short-term initiatives, including the Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund, and longer-term initiatives.

Mechanisms for ongoing engagement

Practical ways in which the Victorian Government and all Victorian universities will engage and work together through channels such as Vice-Chancellor forums, existing working groups and regular meetings.

If you have questions about the partnership agreements, please contact
